
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Release 62: Repetition

This update represents a very significant step forward, though it might take some time before the benefits reach the playerbase as a whole.  After being unusable for a long time, the commented replay system is finally back and better than ever!  With this, experienced players will be able to use in-game tools to save every step of their run, both to compete against each other and to share tips and strategies with newer players.  Now that the game is nearing maturity, it's high time to get polishing features like these worked out.

In repairing the commentary system, I've also worked out a couple of bugs which had been making it more difficult for players to share Chosen teams with each other as well.  The "Export" feature in the Data menu is used to take the current Chosen team (in its Day 1 uncorrupted state) and store it as a .par file which may be easily sent to another player so that they can keep their .sav file without needing to lose all their other progress.  If the playthrough contains commentary (via the Commentary: Write option in the Options menu), then this will also be stored with the .par file.  Presently, this only works for Classic and Challenge mode, but players will soon be able to share entire Campaign mode seeds with each other using this same system.

On the content front, this update contains another system with a lot of future potential in the form of more humanoid Demon Commander customization content commissioned by Kalloi.  When sending a Punisher-type humanoid Commander against the Chosen, the player can now choose to use a "Seductive" approach or a "Humiliating" approach.  Against Chosen suffering from Total Vulnerability Break, this will give you some much more flavorful descriptions than the current default battle text.  Going forward from here, it will be possible to add more approaches and more situations where those approaches give you some more interesting variant flavor.

In the coming month, I'll be continuing to expand the commentary system, as well as take care of some much-needed system reworks and adjustments based on player feedback about the midgame of campaign mode.  And once all of those are finished, it will be time to start looking ahead to the final species and final bosses of Reign's route.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added "Seductive" and "Humiliating" Approaches for humanoid Punisher-equipped Demon Commanders.
  • Balance: Love's "Pillar of Mercy" trait now gives her the "Stamina regeneration is based on lower between Hostility and Obedience" effect.
  • Bugfix: The Punisher progress from the "Propaganda" item is now correctly reduced by Reign's traits.
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer crash when Splendor tries to flip two negative traits but only has one left to flip.
  • Bugfix: Boss Forsaken who remain deployable under the Despair Distortion will now correctly display their unique Defiler ability on the Forsaken summary.
  • Other: During custom sex scenes, more Deviant Chosen will prefer to use their mouths for things other than kissing.
  • Other: The commented replay system is now functional in Classic and Challenge single play modes.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Release 61: Incitement

After last month's brief hiatus, Corrupted Saviors will now be returning to its regular monthly updates!  Now that we're done with the latest wave of bosses, the next phase of development will be all about polishing the game and getting it as stable as possible for the final push which will complete campaign mode.  Much of that polish will come in the form of adding content that takes advantage of the systems implemented during the previous phase of development.

Predictably, a decent chunk of this update is devoted to fixing and tweaking issues that cropped up following Reign's implementation in R60.  This update also includes a significant rework of the Despair Distortion.

Forsaken defeated by Despair will still work the same as they always have, and the basic premise of "fulfill a condition in order to instantly defeat Chosen with Accuse in the final battle" remains the same as well.  However, rather than requiring the player to tediously accumulate a much larger stack of Evil Energy than is ever required anywhere else in the game, the new Despair condition is to blitz toward midgame-levels of Evil Energy generation as quickly as possible.  The base requirement is to hit 30 Evil Energy generated from a single day's downtime actions with at least 30 days remaining before the final battle (thus, the deadline for triggering Despair is Day 20 in a regular single mode game).  The Evil Energy requirement goes up with the number of Morality and Innocence Breaks suffered by the Chosen team, and the deadline gradually relaxes in campaign mode with more levels of the associated achievement.

The other especially notable addition in this update is the unique Chosen dialogue for facing humanoid Demon Lord bodies.  On top of improving the experience for players who like to deal with the Chosen personally, this is also the last requirement before tackling a big chunk of commissioned content planned for next month's update.  That commissioned content should hopefully come alongside some long-needed fixes to the in-game commented replay system.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added Chosen responses when fighting humanoid Demon Lord bodies.
  • Content: Added new option to retroactively convert a single play run into a campaign mode run.
  • Balance: Reworked Despair Distortion.
  • Balance: Reworked Reign's "Fisher King (Superheated Resentment)" trait.
  • Balance: Bonus ANGST granted by the Propaganda item increased (1G -> 100G)
  • Balance: Devil Chosen's Candle of Snuffed Out Life effect now expires immediately after the final battle.
  • Balance: Added a new replacement trait for Negotiation Love when Megalomaniac Victory has been replaced as Second-in-Command.
  • Balance: Reign's later appearances will now decrease the amount of difficulty modifiers encountered in the same loop.
  • Bugfix: Boss Chosen defeated with Despair will now correctly progress Splendor's corruption.
  • Bugfix: Rampant Forsaken deployed using the Hot Tag item will now show their proper reputation strength depending on the Demon Commander used.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a possible crash related to the Hot Tag item.
  • Bugfix: Victory's profile will now correctly reflect how her Resolve can be damaged in the final battle.
  • Bugfix: Reign will no longer be able to fall to Despair while already under the effects of another Distortion.
  • Bugfix: The Maneuver bonus to capture duration will no longer fail to be reset after releasing one of the Chosen mid-capture.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a softlock that could occur when trying to display a Forsaken vignette when Chosen vignettes were disabled (e.g. because the current loop is a boss fight).
  • Bugfix: The extra requirement before triggering Despair when facing Reign will no longer be printed when not applicable.
  • Bugfix: Reign's thresholds for using T3 moves will no longer be improperly reset when appearing in later loops.
  • Bugfix: Angel Chosen will now correctly display any custom subspecies set by the player.
  • Bugfix: Corrected the displayed circumstance damage requirement before Reign begins using her T3 moves.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some buggy behavior when Chosen suffer a Core Vulnerability Distortion before all three Chosen have made their first appearance.
  • Interface: It is now possible to delete your save file's archive of scene variants.
  • Other: Campaign mode random seeds now result in more consistent item choices.
  • Other: Chosen meeting each other in private will now be less unfriendly.
  • Other: Chosen will now update their mental image of the Demon Lord (relevant for vignettes and some spoken lines) when facing a humanoid Demon Lord body in battle.
Release 61b
  • Bugfix: Group downtime actions will no longer sometimes trigger Despair without meeting the Evil Energy requirement.
  • Other: Updated the description for the Propaganda item to take into account the recent balance adjustment.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Release 60: Reign

With this release, the game finally includes the recurring boss enemy which appears throughout campaign mode: Sovereign Decider Reign.  Unlike the other bosses up to this point, Reign appears to be nothing more than a regular human.  But her persistence and drive for survival are strong enough to make her a formidable foe.  And although it's unlikely that you'll be able to defeat her the first couple of times she appears, you can still exploit her mysterious connection to the Chosen as a whole in order to reach even greater levels of power.

Reign will show up to face you in every 7th loop.  It's possible to defeat her outright by either burning through her large reserve of Resolve or using an instant-defeat Distortion, but it can actually be better to corrupt her more slowly, because every Vulnerability Break against Reign gives you a buff to your damage for the entire playthrough, even in future cities.  Furthermore, while Reign is under a Distortion, a powerful and unique effect related to that Distortion will take effect, which also continues even in future cities.

Because Reign's mechanics are tied to facing her multiple times across multiple cities, she doesn't have a single play scenario like the other bosses.  This might be a good time for players who haven't tried campaign mode recently to give it a shot!

This release marks 60 consecutive monthly releases.  The next month will be the first where I don't plan on releasing a new version of Corrupted Saviors, because I'll be polishing and preparing a side project for its public release.  This side project will not be receiving monthly updates, so after that, Corrupted Saviors will return to its regular monthly schedule in January.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added the recurring Reign boss fight to campaign mode on every 7th loop
  • Content: Added Reign's portraits to the default portrait pack, updated Basis's portrait with a full expression set
  • Bugfix: Corrected a logic error which could result in Spared Forsaken ending up in the wrong contingent
  • Bugfix: Boss Chosen who escape the final battle will no longer reappear in later loops in a buggy state
  • Bugfix: Loops with only Angel and regular human Chosen will no longer display as containing only regular humans
  • Other: The Loop 7 warp route now has a different condition, described in the campaign map.txt file
Release 60b
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that would happen when customizing the appearance of a single play custom Chosen.
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer fail to print the updated body description when giving a Demon Lord body an ovipostor.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some buggy behavior surrounding Demon Lord orgasms during custom sex scenes.
  • Other: Corrected some misleading text for Reign's Negotiation Distortion trait.
Release 60c
  • Bugfix: Resolved some buggy behavior when Reign is defeated.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when Reign or Love would escape the final battle.
  • Bugfix: Corrected an error in the save compatibility function which would strip boss Forsaken of their boss abilities.
Release 60d
  • Bugfix: Resolved a custom sex scene crash.
  • Bugfix: Animalistic Chosen using Surrender to Instincts will no longer cause a crash when targeted.
Release 60e
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash when the game was unable to determine who's responsible for a pregnancy at the end of the loop.
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer sometimes stop printing text in the middle of battle.
Release 60f
  • Bugfix: Resolved some possible crashes while attempting to generate a new city in campaign mode.
  • Bugfix: Attempting to recruit a Second-in-Command during the final battle while having a Demon Commander due to the Hot Tag will no longer crash the game.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a couple of custom sex scene crashes.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Release 59: Humanization

This is another flavor-focused update, with the main addition being the ability to take the custom bodies you use for sex scenes with Chosen and Forsaken, and use those bodies in battle as a substitute for the usual monstrous Demon Commander forms.  This works by adapting the flavor text that was previously just used for sending Forsaken to fight the Chosen.  On a cheatless playthrough, the option only changes the flavor text, but when the toggle for body traits to affect damage is turned on, the traits of the body you send out will be properly reflected in the bonuses you gain.  Overall, my hope is that this option will ensure that players who dislike some of the fetishes associated with the different Commander upgrades will still be able to take advantage of the gameplay opportunities they provide.

Reworking the Commander Capture code to use an entirely different set of flavor text has been a major overhaul, and the feature is definitely still a bit rough around the edges.  Deployed humanoid bodies are given a "combat style" based on which damage types the body deals, and this normally works out pretty well.  When circumstance damage levels reach the point that Defilers start taking effect, the damage increase text also properly reflects the Defiler (for penetration, orgasming, etc.).  But it didn't make sense to use the same Demon Commander capture dialogue, and most of the Forsaken-Chosen banter also wouldn't make sense for talking to the Demon Lord, so there aren't any spoken Chosen lines associated with humanoid Demon Commanders at the moment.  Total Vulnerability Breaks triggered by humanoid Demon Commanders also don't yet have any unique flavor.  This feature is still very much a work in progress, and the main goal for now is to make sure that it doesn't have any crashes or text bugs.

Alongside the main feature, this release also had an unusually large amount of time spent working on adding custom sex scene actions.  It was originally going to be focused on friendly actions that might give low-Deviancy Chosen more to do with each other, but a couple of rougher activities made their way into it in the end.  As always, there's also the usual small collection of bugfixes and balance tweaks.

Next month will be another gameplay-focused release, with the addition of yet another boss.  But this next boss, Reign, will be unusual for a few reasons, most notably the fact that she'll reappear multiple times throughout campaign mode.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Allowed players to take on the form of one of their custom sex scene bodies as a Commander in combat.
  • Content: Added hugging, kissing, handholding, and deepthroating as actions to custom sex scenes.
  • Content: Added the Apply Gag action to custom sex scenes which take place in the S&M club.
  • Balance: Performing a large number of simultaneous actions in custom sex scenes isn't as tiring.
  • Balance: The Omelette du Malefice now grants more Evil Energy from actions performed by higher-tier Chosen.
  • Balance: The Velvet Key will no longer be able to change the species of boss Chosen.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when updating an old save file to the current version.
  • Bugfix: It is no longer possible to go into negative Evil Energy by repeating yesterday's Commander.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when customizing bodies while body traits are set to multiply damage.
  • Bugfix: Performing a Chosen's first penetration with a Forsaken in combat will no longer put the Chosen's sexual history into a bugged state.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when merging Forsaken personalities with the Velvet Key.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Release 58: Love

This update adds the fourth boss fight: the leader of the Angel Chosen, Unconditional Redeemer Love.  In campaign mode, she'll begin to appear after Victory has been defeated, meaning that you can face her in Loop 15 at the earliest.  As with the previous bosses, she also has her own single play scenario so that you can face her at an appropriate difficulty level without Forsaken on your side.

In keeping with the theme of the Angel Chosen, Love is quite a weak opponent on her own, especially considering how powerful you're meant to be by the time you face her.  But Love takes the Angels' ally support abilities to an even greater level.  She can not only protect her partners from harm, but also "redeem" their sins and reverse their corruption.  This is even more dangerous than it sounds, because Love's partners will also be undefeatable in the final battle unless they remain at a certain corruption threshold.

Along with the usual small collection of bugfixes and interface improvements, this update also adds the start of a new Negotiation vignette chain commissioned by Kalloi, this one linked with the new "orgasm denial attitude" added in last month's update.  It affects the Minor Confidence Chosen, and it requires her to be on the Negotiation Distortion path, but both of these are factors that make it much easier to meet the requirement of training her to enjoy orgasm denial before the vignette will occur.  See the vignette checklist included with the game for more details.

The Animalistic, Undead, Devil, and Angel Chosen now all have their boss fights implemented in the game.  But before moving on to the final two species, there is another nonstandard boss fight that needs to be added.  And even before that, I think it's a good idea to spend another update on more sexual content and other general improvements.  Until then, I hope that the new opponent proves entertaining!

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added the Love boss fight to campaign mode after Victory has been defeated.
  • Content: Added the Versus Love scenario to single play mode.
  • Content: Added Love's portraits to the default portrait pack.
  • Content: Added one new vignette.
  • Interface: Added Repeat Last Commander button to quickly rebuild yesterday's Demon Commander.
  • Interface: In campaign mode, current Influence has been added to the Statistics display
  • Bugfix: Boss loops where the third Chosen hasn't yet arrived will no longer be able to try to show a vignette.
  • Bugfix: Eager Partner (Personal Paradise) will now properly grant its damage bonus.
  • Bugfix: Some missing text with Angel Second-in-Commands will now be properly shown.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some potential crashes.
Release 58b
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when starting a loop with unique Chosen.
Release 58c
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen during boss story scenes.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Release 57: Cooperation

This update mainly consists of a few moderately-sized content additions that made sense to package together.  The main one is an addition to custom sex scenes which allows certain actions to "merge" together when performed by different characters on the same target.  This means that it's now possible to see multi-blowjobs, multi-cunnilingus, multi-handjobs, multi-footjobs, and multi-thighsex ("pussy sandwich" style).  This should make group sex a lot more interesting, and the other additions were picked to make the most of this.

Group sex involving Forsaken was already possible, but now there are also a couple of ways to have group sex with the Chosen.  You can now use "Observe" to watch all three of them together.  Furthermore, when all three are valid Negotiation targets, you can Approach and Negotiate with all of them at once (which progresses all three of them along the Distortion path with the same click).  They'll service you together, and naturally, you can still also send your Forsaken Ambassador to be serviced by them in your stead.  The latter option should now be a bit more interesting as well, because custom sex scene NPC logic been updated to let them switch between different sex acts without player input, keeping the scene a bit more fresh instead of getting stuck doing the same action over and over.

If you still prefer to participate in custom sex scenes yourself, there's another added feature: the "Player" folder has been added to the portrait pack, which is used by default to represent the Demon Lord during custom sex scenes.  The included pack has only one expression, but the game supports using a more expressive pack (and will change the displayed portrait so that the Demon Lord reacts to being praised, insulted, etc.) or making more portrait folders for different Demon Lord bodies.

This update also introduces a new character attitude: how much they like or dislike experiencing orgasm denial.  Although this addition was mainly in preparation for an upcoming vignette chain, it also introduces a sort of minigame for custom sex scenes.  Participants who reach high PLEA (>1000) who don't get to cum before the end of the scene will either learn to enjoy it (if they like the other participants) or grow annoyed with it (if they don't).  When they experience ruined orgasms (by passing an orgasm threshold while not experiencing direct genital stimulation), they develop a stronger negative attitude toward orgasm denial, regardless of who's responsible.  But if they then experience a large orgasm after a ruined orgasm, they'll start to become addicted to orgasm denial, again regardless of who's responsible.  Characters who hate orgasm denial will become much more aggressive about seeking their own pleasure in custom sex scenes, while characters who enjoy orgasm denial will be more generous about giving pleasure with no regard for their own orgasm.  Players who enjoy futanari or genderbent Chosen will recognize that this system shares some elements with the "attitude toward own penis" system introduced awhile back, and that system has also been updated with some deeper custom sex scene interaction.  Eventually, I'd like to expand this framework to include more fetishes and other sexual preferences as well.

To make it easier to interact with the above system, I've also added a new custom sex scene action: caress (and its merged variants).  This one gives a decent chunk of pleasure without actually causing orgasm by itself, so it's well-suited to orgasm denial play.  The Mark of the Succubus (unlocked through the Lilith's Awakening vignette) is also very useful there.

Finally, the update also includes the usual bit of bugfixes and adjustments that come after a new boss fight.  I've also been getting some help with improving the code in general, although hopefully this shouldn't result in any noticeable changes to the way the game performs.  Now that those are taken care of, we'll be moving straight ahead to the next boss fight, featuring Love, leader of the Angel Chosen!

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added cooperative versions of handjobs, thighjobs, footjobs, and oral sex.
  • Content: Added the Caress action (and its cooperative versions) to custom sex scenes.
  • Content: When all three Chosen are on the Negotiation path, they may be Approached together for a foursome.
  • Content: Added the ability to place all three Chosen into a custom sex scene with each other.
  • Content: Added support for custom sex scenes to display variable-expression Demon Lord portraits (in the "Player" portrait folder by default).
  • Content: Added single-expression portraits for male and female Demon Lords to the default portrait pack.
  • Content: Added tracking for character attitudes toward orgasm denial and appropriate reactions during custom sex scenes.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when using Examine on Chosen in battle.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen after winning single play mode.
  • Bugfix: Fixed some cases where the required Evil Energy to trigger Despair would be incorrect.
  • Bugfix: Judgment's "Newfound Pacifism" Forsaken trait will no longer improperly carry over parts of the standard Devil "Connoisseur of Correction" trait.
  • Other: Generating a team of custom Chosen for single play mode will now warn the player that this isn't the easiest method of making Chosen for campaign mode.
  • Other: Custom sex scene NPCs interacting with each other will now change between actions on their own.
  • Other: The feelings of futanari and genderbent Chosen toward their own penises will now be taken into account in their custom sex scene actions and reactions.
  • Other: Added links to the unofficial fan Discord to the Support text and to the resources.txt file.
Release 57b
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that would happen when creating a new body for yourself.
  • Bugfix: Added some missing lines for when Splendor and Judgment first meet after the latter's defeat.
  • Bugfix: The "Humbled Heroine (Diplomatic Incident)" trait from beating Judgment with Despair and no Total Breaks will now be properly shown in her profile.
  • Bugfix: The Despair Distortion plan will now be selectable even when no other Distortion plans are selectable.
Release 57c
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that would affect Forsaken from old saves in custom sex scenes.
  • Bugfix: Judgment will no longer apply some Second-in-Command effects while not in the Second-in-Command position.
  • Bugfix: Newly-generated campaign mode Chosen will no longer appear with much higher T3 move trauma requirements.  Chosen already affected by the bug should also be fixed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Release 56: Judgment

Now that the Distortion paths have all been implemented, the next step is to add the next round of boss fights to the game.  The first of this new round of bosses is Judgment, the boss of the Devil Chosen.  Judgment has some unique mechanics and flavor text (especially when interacting with the other boss Chosen), as well as a set of story scenes that will display as her corruption progresses.  She's intended to be fought in campaign mode (where she'll start showing up every 5 loops after Splendor is defeated, so Loop 15 at the earliest), but you can also face her in a new single play scenario which offers a bunch of items to compensate for her difficulty.

In most respects, Judgment's gameplay mechanics are just stronger versions of the regular Devil gameplay mechanics.  She has stronger versions of their T3 Break moves, and her ability to restrict her allies' sinful actions extends to making it harder to make them start using T3 Break moves.  On top of this, she's outright immune to Resolve damage until her corruption has progressed far enough.  Unlike Victory, she continues to fight hard even after you start to break her, which means that her boss fight remains challenging right up to the final battle.  Her portrait design was heavily inspired by the art that Kalloi made for his portrait pack, so if you notice any similarities there, then it's not a coincidence!

The implementation of the boss fight consumed most of this month's development time, but there's also a significant new sexual content addition in the conclusion of the Significant-Morality Negotiation vignette chain commissioned by Kalloi.  This vignette is notable in that it has some minor branching depending on how you use the "streaming studio" custom sex scene location unlocked by last month's vignette.  If you unmask the Chosen while streaming a sex scene together, her feelings toward the player will be different than if you allow her identity to remain hidden.  (There's also a third variant if you've made her experience extremely large amounts of pleasure while streaming - look for green text to display once it's been triggered.)  These variants only change a few minor details, but they should serve as proof of concept for more long-term acknowledgements of things that happen during custom sex scenes.

And on that note, the planned focus for next month is more custom sex scene content.  Currently, even though the game allows for any number of Forsaken to participate in a custom sex scene, and also allows for custom sex scenes between Chosen, it doesn't allow for mixes of multiple Chosen meeting with Demon-affiliated characters at once.  This is something I've wanted to change for a long time, mainly because it makes sense (and will save a bunch of clicks) for multiple Negotiation-path Chosen to be able to accept a truce and offer themselves to you together.  This should also involve some new custom sex scene actions and some improvements to existing ones - the code was originally written to allow actions by different characters to take each other into account (to allow for "double blowjobs" and such), but in the update that added code support for threesomes, there wasn't actually any time to write that extra flavor.  The next update should make much better use of that system.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added the Judgment boss fight to campaign mode after Splendor has been defeated.
  • Content: Added the Versus Judgment scenario to single play mode.
  • Content: Added Judgment's portraits to the default portrait pack.
  • Content: Added one new vignette.
  • Balance: The Psychographic Laboratory objective now grants 2 days' worth of your best Evil Energy generation (up from 1).
  • Balance: Victory is only immune to Resolve damage when she has no Breaks at all.
  • Balance: Boss Forsaken now have "Personal" compatibility with all Boss Chosen.
  • Balance: The trauma threshold for Chosen to be guaranteed to use the most-sinful-possible downtime action is reduced to 1 trillion.
  • Bugfix: Splendor will no longer use different logic for using Glorious Fatal Curse in campaign mode than in single play mode.
  • Bugfix: Chosen already on Distortion paths can no longer be indirectly set to the Despair Distortion plan.
  • Bugfix: Undead Chosen will now properly grant Evil Energy for T3 Core Breaks that happen in loops without relationship scenes.
  • Bugfix: Splendor will no longer spoil her allies' First Seal by using a weak Second Seal which immediately expires.
  • Bugfix: The conditions for unlocking the Devil Chosen warp route will now properly be calculated on the same day that the trauma is inflicted.
  • Bugfix: The Forsaken summary for the Unfocused combat style will no longer be blank.
  • Bugfix: Chosen who should start to Rampage with only 1 turn left in their Surround will no longer skip the Rampage and just act normally.
  • Bugfix: The Dimensional Kaleidoscope preview will now properly show all Distortion traits.
Release 56b
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when attempting to deploy Rampant Forsaken.
Release 56c
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen from Splendor's using Indelible Glory in the final battle.
  • Bugfix: Angel Chosen's Forgiveness duration will no longer carry over between battles.
  • Bugfix: Splendor will no longer skip her breaking scenes and become fully broken after any fellow Boss Chosen has been defeated.
Release 56d
  • Bugfix: Tempted Chosen will no longer be able to repeatedly undergo the same T3 Innocence Break.
  • Bugfix: Distortion Chosen will no longer have their reluctance to use incompatible T3 Break moves mistakenly attributed to Judgment's leadership.