
Saturday, March 30, 2024

Release 52: Association

The focus for this month's update was features which required code reworks that were too extensive to fit into prior updates.  Each individual addition is minor, but I'm pretty sure that most players will find something to be happy about in this changelog.

This first added feature is a refactor to the clothing customization system which now allows Forsaken outfits to be edited as well.  As part of this refactor, clothing sets can now also be saved, loaded, and exported and imported as separate files.  So, if you want your servants to all wear matching uniforms, you can do it easily now.  The resulting "closet" files will also make it convenient to keep your clothing sets even if you like to start a fresh save file with each release.

A very minor feature attached to the clothing system is that I've reworked the custom clothing menu to pad itself with dummy buttons so that the buttons keep their position even while scrolling between pages.  I'd appreciate feedback on how this feels - if people don't hate it, then I might do something similar for other paging menus just to make them a bit easier to navigate.  Players who play at unusual resolutions might also now notice that the game will now organize the buttons into a second row when necessary, so let me know if this breaks anything for anybody.

The other main customization feature is that it's now possible to designate groups of campaign custom Chosen as always appearing alongside each other in the same team.  Chosen who have been assigned to a group like this should never appear alone under any circumstances.  This is a powerful tool if you want to guarantee that two of your custom Chosen interact, but it shouldn't be used lightly.  When two Chosen who couldn't otherwise appear together are set as part of the same group, relationship scenes will be disabled for that loop because the game won't be able to find the usual Core/Minor Vulnerability interactions.  And if the player never enters a loop where the custom Chosen's species are grouped together, then the custom Chosen won't be able to appear.  There might be room to add more flexible options here, but I want to make sure that the base system is working without bugs first.

When it comes to new content, this release just adds two new vignettes, but they're pretty special ones.  This is a continuation of the Negotiation vignette chain commissioned by Kalloi for Core Morality Chosen, which now extends into their time as Forsaken.  The two vignettes fire on the same day, and they can trigger when a Forsaken who experienced the Descent of Guilt vignette as Chosen is set as your Favorite.  The vignettes can fire every loop, and they have a large number of variants (based both on the Favorite Forsaken and on the Chosen of the current loop) so that they don't get boring.  They also introduce an experimental system where the player can make a choice during the first vignette, changing some of the flavor text of the second vignette.  I'm curious to see whether players enjoy this as a way to get a bit more immersed in vignette scenes.

Next month will be the long-awaited introduction of the fifth Distortion path, Megalomania.  Because of the species and bosses that have been added to the game, there's a lot more work to add a new Distortion than there was when the first four were added.  But I've spent the last few days of this month doing some preliminary work, so I'm confident that it should all be ready for Release 53.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added a large compound vignette to the Negotiation vignette chain.
  • Content: Added customization for Forsaken outfits.
  • Interface: Chosen customization options can now be accessed even before buying Psychic Reading.
  • Interface: Clothing sets may now be saved and exported.
  • Interface: Window resizing is now more flexible.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some issues with boss loops having incorrect species or showing up when not picked.
  • Bugfix: Changing the species of a customized campaign Chosen will no longer crash the game.
  • Bugfix: Fixed some bugs that could happen when the game gets confused about two Forsaken sharing the same ID.
  • Other: Groups of campaign custom Chosen can now be designated as guaranteed to appear in a team together.
  • Other: Chosen text colors may now be changed during play from the Information menu.
  • Other: In single play mode, Forsaken now have some special interactions with their Chosen selves from other save files.
Release 52b
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer crash when trying to start a campaign loop with non-custom Chosen.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Release 51: Benediction

This update is the completion of the latest stage of campaign mode, as the sixth Chosen species, the Angels, have been added to the game!  Angels are the ones in charge of rewarding and protecting virtuous humans, both in this world and in the next.  Their duties don't usually involve battle, and indeed, even the more warlike ones are quite weak in a straight fight.  But their unearthly beauty drives your Thralls mad with desire, and their ability to soothe and comfort their teammates is quite powerful.  For Demons, which rely on trauma and despair in order to induce humans to sin, Angels can be considered their natural enemy.

In campaign mode, Angels will show up after Victory has been defeated, which means that they can appear in Loop 11 at the earliest.  If the player beats Victory in Loop 10 and Splendor in Loop 15 (or vice versa), then Angels and Devils will potentially be appearing together in the Chosen teams you face from Loop 16 onward.  This will only be relevant to players who play deep into campaign mode, but in order to make it a bit easier to do just that, another long warp route has been added which leads from Loop 16 all the way to Loop 20.  Experienced players should note that the Loop 11 warp and the Loop 16 warp both have the same set of conditions - the warp requirement depends only on which boss was defeated in the prior loop.  See the campaign map.txt file for more details.

For players who prefer single play mode or who want to practice before facing them in a campaign, the Angelic Clash scenario has been added, which pits the player against a team of 1 Angel Chosen and 2 regular ones.  At first, the Angel might appear quite harmless in comparison to the Devil, but it should become clear pretty quickly that they're formidable in their own way.

Aside from some balance tweaks, the other major improvement for this release is a one-click option to clean your old campaign saves.  The way this currently works is that it looks for a series of saves which are all from the same loop, then tries to keep just the first save of the loop and the most recent save before the final battle of that loop.  There's room for more options here (like changing which saves you want to keep, or cleaning saves from single play mode as well), but I want to collect feedback about this basic implementation first.

Looking forward, the next major features in the development plan are the next 3 boss fights (the Angel boss, the Devil boss, and a recurring midboss) and the last 2 Distortion paths (Morality/Innocence and Confidence/Dignity).  Before jumping into them, it might be a good idea to do one or two customization- and flavor-focused updates, but overall I expect the pace of development to accelerate from this point forward.  We're getting close to the home stretch.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added Angel Chosen to campaign mode following Victory's defeat.
  • Content: Added the Angelic Clash scenario for single play mode.
  • Content: Added 16 new faces for Angel Chosen to the default portrait pack.
  • Balance: Loops 3 and 4 will now feature at least one Superior Chosen in each city.
  • Balance: Lower-tier species won't stop appearing so quickly in later loops.
  • Interface: Added "Clean Saves" feature to delete unneeded save files.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen after backing out of the pick next city menu in campaign mode.
  • Other: Added a new warp route to Loop 16 (and allowed the Loop 11 warp to function even after facing Victory in Loop 10).
Release 51b
  • Bugfix: The Loop 15 boss fight will no longer be able to have its members replaced by the species unlocked in the Loop 10 boss fight.
  • Bugfix: Custom Angels and Devils created for single play mode will now correctly respect their pre-broken Vulnerability settings.
Release 51c
  • Bugfix: Forsaken will no longer benefit from the Personal Paradise trait even when they have no Tempted Angel former partners.
  • Bugfix: Corrected the display of the Personal Paradise trait bonus on the affected ally's profile.
  • Bugfix: The Forsaken Tempt action will no longer put invalid Tempt targets into a bugged Tempt state.
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer allow Forsaken to be spared outside of campaign mode.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Release 50: Grace

This update features three major additions to the game.  The first is gameplay related: a new "Bargain" system that activates after defeating Splendor.  This is the realization of a concept that was originally proposed by f95 user SuperSkippy.  Previously, after Splendor joined the Forsaken, she would pretty much constantly ruin your other Forsaken's ability to function, and there wasn't much you could do about it.  This wasn't much fun, and it affected the game balance a bit too strongly, too.  Therefore, this new gameplay system has been introduced to give the player some counterplay.  Bargaining with Splendor will give you a grace period where one of the following debuffs is suspended (listed in decrasing order of priority - none of them will be offered during boss fight loops):

  • Undead and Devils will stop taking reduced damage. (Offered here if Devils are present.)
  • Splendor will stop draining your Forsaken's motivation.
  • Splendor will allow you to deploy her and manually select which combat style she should use.
  • Undead will stop taking reduced damage. (Offered here if only Undead are present.)
  • Splendor won't increase the difficulty of the next loop.
  • Splendor will allow you to train her.

Of course, it's called a bargain because she asks for something in exchange.  However, the things she asks for are also double-edged in that they can be used to the player's benefit as well.  Each day, she'll ask for something different, cycling through the valid options.

  • Empower a relatively-uncorrupted regular human Chosen, causing her to become Superior (which also allows her to become a Superior Forsaken).
  • Return one of your Forsaken to being a normal human (which doesn't anger their loved ones, and the spared Forsaken will also provide some small benefits).
  • Destroy one of your items (which refunds the item's Influence, allowing stronger items to show up in the future).
  • Make the next loop more difficult (which also means that you're likely to see more advanced species Chosen).

The system for spared Forsaken is the second major addition for this update.  Depending on their highest corruption value and their Obedience, Forsaken can join one of five different contingents within the Demonic hive.  Each one provides a small bonus: increased Evacuation requirement, increased Extermination requirement, passive Forsaken Motivation restoration, increased damage from Threaten/Slime/Attack/Taunt, or increased damage to Surrounded Chosen.  The bonuses really are small, but the achievement bonus from the coming Angel Chosen species will make them more significant.  Currently, Forsaken can only be spared when Splendor demands it, but being able to spare them more freely will also be coming with Angel Chosen.

The third addition is flavor-related.  A new vignette has been added which completes the chain commissioned by Kalloi which was started last update.  Normally, a vignette would not be considered a major addition, but this one adds a new Forsaken tool which comes with lots of possibilities: a lewd crest, the "Mark of the Succubus."  I might've gone a bit overboard here with adding interactions for this tool, but I think it provides an excellent example of how flavor and gameplay elements can interact with each other.

The Mark of the Succubus is a permanent clothing item which is engraved on the Chosen's bodies after experiencing the new Lilith's Awakening vignette.  In custom sex scenes, it can be "activated," forcing the subject to submit and causing her to gain arousal and lose tiredness when consuming semen.  On its own, this wouldn't mean much, because Chosen who experience Lilith's Awakening will be heavily corrupted already.  However, the Mark of the Succubus is also somewhat contagious - when enabled in the Forsaken's tool menu, a lesser version can also be engraved upon less corrupted Chosen during the Forsaken's Force Orgasm action.  Forsaken with the full-fledged Mark of the Succubus can also "activate" other marks when meeting with the Chosen as your ambassador.  The activated mark won't singlehandedly force the Chosen to let down their Sexual Barriers for you, but it will make it much easier to reach that point, and in the process you're likely to see a lot more low-Obedience flavor text for actions which normally aren't picked at low Obedience.

With this update, the "facing Splendor first" route is now finished up to Loop 14.  For next update, I intend to do the same for the "facing Victory first" route by adding the Angel Chosen that will be unlocked once you beat her.  And after that, it will finally be time to start work on the next round of boss enemies!

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added a new "Bargain" system for trading favors with Splendor.
  • Content: Forsaken can be spared from service but kept around for interaction and minor buffs (currently only through the Splendor Bargain system).
  • Content: Added one new vignette.
  • Content: Added the Mark of the Succubus tool, unlocked by Forsaken who have experienced the above vignette.
  • Content: Added the Activate Mark action to custom sex scenes which uses the lewd crest gained in the above vignette.
  • Balance: While Splendor's "Social Saboteur" ability is active, her own Motivation will refill every day.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when displaying an alternative city route in campaign mode.
  • Bugfix: Refactored downtime action system in order to fix an overflow error that was causing some strange "Greater Sins Imminent"-related Chosen downtime decisions.
  • Bugfix: Generated Chosen family members will no longer sometimes be generated with inconsistent gender-related behavior.
  • Bugfix: Altering the bodies of high-corruption Forsaken will no longer sometimes cause their attitudes toward their penises to improperly change.
Release 50b
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash when penis-having Chosen in custom sex scenes experienced an orgasm (or ruined orgasm) without having their penises occupied by a sex act.
  • Bugfix: The achievement for defeated Undead Chosen will no longer cause some trauma counts to be treated as much higher than they actually are during downtime selection.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when trying to observe Chosen-with-Chosen custom sex scenes.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Release 49: Communication

The next couple of updates are going to be focused on making the lategame of Corrupted Saviors (particularly the management of your Forsaken) more intuitive and enjoyable to play.  The distinguishing feature of Corrupted Saviors is that the heroines' corruption is reflected in future gameplay, which means that it's important for the game to support long playthroughs across many loops, so that the corruption inflicted in each loop has consequences for the next.  But because many of the elements of the lategame were developed piecemeal, it's been hard to confirm whether the gameplay and especially the interface are conducive to that kind of experience.  These next updates are going to add the last major gameplay features for the Loop 11 to Loop 20 range of campaign mode, which means that this is also the time to polish the interface and carefully calibrate the game balance.

As the first step of this new push, I've added a new information summary to the Forsaken selection screen which shows the status of your Forsaken roster and a prediction of how their Stamina and Motivation will change at the end of the day.  It's also now possible to set an "end point" for passive corruption training (which will also be shown in the roster summary screen).  Hopefully these tools make it less tedious to manage your forces once you've converted several teams of Chosen to your side.  Feedback on the presentation of this information is welcome.

On the flavor side, this update features a new intermission which can replace the Day 15 interview scene!  The premise for this one is that the Chosen take a bath together to help build their bonds as a new team.  As with the interview, the scene varies depending on the subjects' Tier 1 breaks, and the amount of bonus EE gained is the same between the two scenes.  In campaign mode, the Loop 1 intermission is guaranteed to be the interview and the Loop 3 intermission is guaranteed to be the Chosen bathing together.  The game will also prefer to show the bathing scene when the Core Innocence Chosen has already fought in a previous loop (because of the interview lines implying that this is her first time fighting the Demons), and the interview scene will be preferred when the Chosen have experienced T3 breaks (because the bathing scene involves them acting generally more 'pure').  Aside from that, the intermission is picked randomly.

This update also includes a hefty new vignette, the first in another chain commissioned by Kalloi.  This is an endgame vignette which shows the troubles faced by heavily-corrupted Chosen.  It will appear when all three Chosen are not only hypnotized but have also reached a hypnosis effectiveness which exceeds the usual requirement by 200%.  They also need to all be friendly with each other.  As with the Negotiation chain, there's some extra content planned for Chosen who experience the associated vignettes, but they'll have to wait for the chain to be completed in a future update.

Finally, as part of the gradual work to improve custom sex scenes, the Chosen now have several more clothing items they can pick from when dressing up.  Most of these options are on the lewder side, in order to help deal with the monotony of corrupted Chosen just picking out the same few skimpy clothing items every day.  I'm still working on tweaking the logic there so that their clothing choices have some variety while also remaining appropriate for their corruption level, but the expanded selection should help with that.

There are also various other smaller interface improvements listed in the changelog.  Small improvements like these will continue into the next updates along with the other planned major features.  As I mentioned last month, the game is ready for Angel Chosen to be added.  But thanks to a recent player suggestion, I'm also now planning to add some new options for dealing with Splendor after she joins the Forsaken.  Both of these features will have a big impact on how Loops 11-20 are played, so I'll be doing some preliminary work on both over the next few days before deciding which one is more urgently needed.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added a new Day 15 intermission (guaranteed to appear in Loop 3 of campaign mode).
  • Content: Added a new vignette.
  • Content: Added ten new pieces of civilian clothing which can be selected by Chosen and Forsaken.
  • Content: Added support for Forsaken tools to have their own associated dialogue (with some dialogue for the breast expansion tool).
  • Balance: When a warp has been unlocked for a loop which offers items, the city choices' items may be picked even when choosing to warp.
  • Balance: Offspring of Forsaken will now tend to belong to the species of the higher-tier parent.
  • Interface: Added a Forsaken status and prediction summary to the Forsaken selection screen.
  • Interface: When the only Defilers available are those that would break a Distortion, the Chosen selection button is colored red instead of yellow.
  • Interface: Current Animalistic weaknesses are displayed on the team Vulnerability summary screen.
  • Interface: Chosen profiles now display the Forsaken tool unlock conditions they've fulfilled.
  • Interface: The Forsaken Positions screen is now a bit more clear about how they work.
  • Interface: When changing the species of a campaign custom Chosen with a non-default alias, customization details will be retained.
  • Interface: Forsaken in Punisher positions will display their Punisher abilities in their own profile.
  • Bugfix: The shop screen and button selection no longer fails to account for Tomorrow's Newspaper refunds until refreshed.
  • Other: Forsaken are now less random about using their equipped tools.
  • Other: Added information about initial Forsaken corruption to the Forsaken reference file.
  • Other: Forsaken corruption passive training can now be set to stop automatically at a target value.
Release 49b
  • Bugfix: Warp routes which use the item choices of existing city routes will correctly award the bonus warp route influence.
  • Bugfix: Leaving the Next City menu and returning will no longer cause all warp routes to award the first warp route's item.
Release 49c
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash when generating city choices for even-numbered campaign loops.
Release 49d
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could affect the Back button when customizing a team of Chosen for single play.
  • Bugfix: Fixed a problem with Devil Forsaken Motivation restoration.
  • Bugfix: The Forsaken status summary will now correctly take advanced species Motivation restoration penalties into account.
  • Bugfix: Devils performing Negotiation and Aversion downtimes with an ally will no longer improperly prevent the third Chosen from generating Evil Energy.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Release 48: Devilry

With this update, campaign mode is now another large step closer to being completed, as the fifth Chosen species has been added: Devil Chosen.  Rather than serving evil, Devils in the Corrupted Saviors universe are all about punishing mortals for their sins.  They consist of various subspecies, each of which specializes in punishing a different sin.  Fallen angels who punish sinners in Hell are of course present, but there are also oni who punish those who think themselves undefeatable, or bogeygirls who lurk in wait for anybody who disobeys the rules.

In campaign mode, Devils will show up after Splendor has been defeated, which means that they can appear in Loop 11 at the earliest.  They're very powerful, almost as strong as the bosses themselves, and so the new Devilish Clash scenario only puts you up against a single Devil with two regular human allies.  The abilities of Devil Chosen are based around getting stronger as their allies suffer more ANGST damage, so you have to be very careful about fighting them.  But after they fall to the side of the Demons, their Forsaken abilities are also on a whole new level.

The minor additions for this update include a new item which makes an alternate-universe evil duplicate of one of the Chosen to add to your Forsaken roster, so I imagine that fans of selfcest might find that enjoyable.  A new category of Forsaken customization has also been added, "tools," which allow you to customize how your Forsaken fight against the Chosen.  Currently, the only tool is a permanent-breast-expansion-incuding Demon which can normally only be equipped by Chosen who see the Satisfied Curiosity vignette commissioned by Kalloi.  This is a pretty steep requirement, but all tools will be equippable using cheat mode.

Everything is now in place for Angel Chosen to be added, but I want to collect some feedback about Devil Chosen before I add another species at the same power level.  So, next month is going to be an update focused on flavor content, including a new intermission scene similar to the Day 15 interview (but maybe a bit more sexy).  In the meantime, I'd very much like to hear everybody's thoughts on the new species!

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added Devil Chosen to campaign mode following Splendor's defeat.
  • Content: Added the Devilish Clash scenario for single play mode.
  • Content: Added 16 new faces for the Devil Chosen to the default portrait pack.
  • Content: Added some more body customization options for Devils (which can also be freely used by custom Chosen and Demon Lord bodies).
  • Content: Added the Dimensional Kaleidoscope item along with the "alternate universe doppelganger" personal relationship.
  • Content: Added "tools" to Forsaken customization options (currently only visible for those who have seen the Satisfied Curiosity vignette as Chosen, or during cheat mode).
  • Balance: Base damage susceptibility will never go below 1/100.
  • Balance: Damage dealt to Chosen in battle will now _immediately_ be reflected in their ANGST bonus instead of needing to wait to be summed until the end of the day.
  • Balance: Loop-skipping routes in campaign mode now provide 10 days of training before moving on to the next city.
  • Balance: Forsaken training will now always provide at least a certain fraction of each training action's base expertise gain.
  • Interface: The game will now inform you of whether a loop-skipping route has been unlocked (displayed in green text on the shop screen).
  • Bugfix: Resolved a bugged state which could cause custom sex scenes to always crash.
  • Bugfix: Consensual virginity loss for Chosen will now be correctly recorded even after becoming Forsaken.
  • Bugfix: Advanced species will now correctly display the extra species flavor paragraph in their Chosen profiles.
  • Bugfix: Boss Chosen bodies will no longer sometimes be generated in a bugged state which doesn't match the player's toggles.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some cases where Chosen would still be described as getting penetrated even when set to use non-penetrative actions.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some cases where Chosen not set to use non-penetrative actions would still use descriptions from the non-penetrative corruption flavor.
  • Bugfix: Some saves from older versions which previously broke upon trying to load will now work properly.
  • Bugfix: Forsaken capture lines will no longer sometimes be repeated endlessly on subsequent turns.
  • Other: Added a new loop-skipping route to campaign mode (see the campaign map .txt file).
  • Other: The game now tracks which Forsaken have experienced which vignettes as Chosen (some new Forsaken downtime flavors have been added to use this).
  • Other: The removal of campaign difficulty modifiers from cheat mode is now controlled by a cheat rather than being on by default.
Release 48b
  • Bugfix: Instill Fixation and Grand Concert will no longer be treated as Obedience training for the purpose of consent.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some cases where Chosen would not be marked as having seen certain vignettes.
  • Bugfix: Clothing items flagged as "persistent" (like piercings) will now persist correctly.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Release 47: Purity

This update's main feature is the ability to designate virgin Chosen as off-limits for any Thralls or Commanders who might want to deflower them.  When this toggle is in effect, the Inseminate action and all associated actions will be replaced with provocation-themed variants.  Gameplay-wise, these function the same - rather than traumatizing the Chosen through penetration, the Demons instead force the Chosen to use especially violent methods to defend themselves.  These both result in Morality Break, more FEAR and HATE damage, more sinful coping mechanisms, and so on.  But the difference is that it's now possible to put the Chosen on Morality-breaking corruption paths while still saving their virginity for later or even letting them remain virginal indefinitely.  For those who play with male Chosen, the toggle functions for them as well (though of course it deals with anal virginity rather than vaginal virginity).

Another major addition is the ability to have custom sex scenes with more than two participants.  This doesn't yet work with Chosen (because there's more work necessary to make them respond in reasonable ways), but the player can now gather together a group with arbitrarily-many Forsaken and then either let them play with each other or join in personally.  The implementation is still a bit rough around the edges, because even though I tried to future-proof it as best I could, there are still some parts that were written with only two participants in mind, and those parts might come across as a bit awkward with three or more.  But at least it's now possible to have a big happy orgy with all your fallen heroines.  Now the custom sex scene system just needs to be fleshed out with more options to give everybody something to do.

Additionally, this update includes a new "attitude toward penis" system for female and futanari characters, commissioned by SqueeNoEvil.  Futanari characters will have an opinion about having a penis, and this opinion will be influenced by their personality but will not be wholly dependent on it.  Some futanari characters will be proud of their penises, others will be ashamed to have one, others still will have mixed feelings, and those who have been thoroughly corrupted will have opinions colored by their corruption.  While futanari are enabled, there will even be some female Chosen who have fantasies of growing a penis and will be happy to do so.  Much of the flavor text and dialogue has had variants added which take penis attitude into account, and the attitude may also be directly checked in the body stats menu.  This system can be considered a trial run of a more extensive attitude system which gives the Chosen dynamic opinions on a variety of matters.

As always, this update comes with various small tweaks and bugfixes.  When Defiler actions were made available to all sufficiently-corrupted Forsaken last update, there was an oversight in that Distorted Forsaken weren't exempt from the Obedience requirement (as they are for Punisher positions).  That has been fixed.  The permanent collar from the Descent of Guilt vignette chain has also now been technically added to the game, though its numerical effects will need to wait for the next batch of custom sex scene actions.

Next update will be the first new species introduction in quite awhile: Devil Chosen.  This will represent another big step forward toward the completion of campaign mode, so I hope that everybody looks forward to it!

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added a per-Chosen flavor toggle which allows for Morality Break without virginity loss
  • Content: Added a bunch of virginity-preserving variants to existing scenes which otherwise involved sex
  • Content: When futanari are enabled, female and futanari Chosen will have opinions regarding what type of body they should have
  • Content: Added support for custom sex scenes involving more than two participants (not including Chosen for now)
  • Balance: Distorted Forsaken are now exempt from the Obedience requirement for Defiler action usage
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer crash when barefoot human/Superior Chosen use Regenerate to decrease EXPO to Lv 1
  • Bugfix: When objectives are enabled, skipping battles after seizing the high-rises will no longer cause Chosen to start with negative damage the next day
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that would happen when a character gets her first lewd broadcast during a custom sex scene without the Demon Lord present
Release 47b
  • Bugfix: Chosen attitudes toward being futanari will now work properly in campaign mode.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Release 46: Surrender

Where the last few releases were about customizing the initial state of the Chosen, the next couple of releases will be about customizing how they're corrupted.  There are a few new features added in this release, and I'm hopeful that most players will be interested in at least one of them.

First off, a new body shift commissioned by SqueeNoEvil has been added to the game.  When it's toggled on, futanari Chosen who experience Tier-2 Dignity Break (that is, being Broadcasted for the first time) will lose their penises due to the collective desire of the public to see them as fully female.  As with all body shifts, this is toggled on an individual Chosen basis, and so Chosen from previous versions will default to remaining futanari unless the player goes to their individual profile and toggles their shift preferences.

Tangentially related to the above, there has been a fairly significant balance change in that Forsaken no longer require special training to perform Defiler actions (although the bonus they get from having that training is still very large).  The flavor for Forsaken achieving Vulnerability Breaks against the Chosen is pretty detailed, especially when a body shift is involved, so I'd highly recommend that players who haven't seen them yet give it a try.  The Forsaken Reference .txt file has been updated with the details of the new loosened requirements.

Another major flavor addition is the ability to deflower the Chosen during custom sex scenes.  This involved separating Morality Break from virginity status, a task that had already been half-completed with the addition of Chosen motherhood a little while back.  The Chosen still can't be taken against their will in custom sex scenes - if their HATE gets high enough to break their Sexual Barrier, then they'll flee.  But with Innocence Break and Confidence Break, it's very possible to get them to consent to sex, especially on the Negotiation Distortion path, and they also may be willing to give their virginity to a former partner or other loved one sent to meet them.  There will be a purple text announcement whenever a Sexual Barrier goes down.

Finally, the clothing overhaul from last update has been expanded to apply to custom sex scenes as well.  Characters will dress up appropriately before heading out depending on their corruption, their feelings regarding who they're meeting, and whether they'll be seen by the public.  New actions have been added for undressing oneself and others, and characters will use those actions according to what kind of sex acts they want to perform.

The next update will contain more content along these lines: the option to preserve Chosen virginity regardless of Morality Break will be added, and custom sex scenes will see an even greater expansion of possibilities.  We're approaching the end of the customization push, after which more gameplay content will be coming.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Chosen virginities can now be taken during custom sex scenes without Morality Break.
  • Content: Individual items of clothing are now tracked during custom sex scenes, and participants will now dress themselves appropriately.
  • Content: Added the Remove Clothing action to custom sex scenes.
  • Content: Added a new Futanari->Female body shift which may be toggled in the individual Chosen profile.
  • Content: Added some new Chosen profile text related to futanari status, virginity status, and completion of the Guilty Desire vignette chain.
  • Balance: Forsaken can now use weaker versions of Defilers without special training at high enough corruption (see the Forsaken Reference .txt file).
  • Bugfix: Resolved a random crash that could occur when Regenerate caused EXPO level to go down.
  • Bugfix: Chosen who wear "armor"-type clothing will no longer cause a crash when captured by an EXPO-dealing Commander.
  • Bugfix: Chosen who fight with their fists will no longer cause a crash during Total Dignity Break.
  • Bugfix: Rampant Chosen will no longer rename themselves after their panties.
  • Bugfix: Campaign custom Chosen will no longer sometimes be generated in a bugged state which crashes the game when they show up.
  • Other: During custom sex scenes between Chosen and Forsaken, participants will now be smarter about seeking out penetrative sex.
Release 46b
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash when viewing the profile of virgin Core Morality Chosen on the Negotiation path.
  • Bugfix: When creating custom advanced-species Chosen for campaign mode, the asset size menu will now be properly shown.
  • Bugfix: Corrected some incorrect information that could be shown in the campaign custom cosmetics summary.