
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Release 61: Incitement

After last month's brief hiatus, Corrupted Saviors will now be returning to its regular monthly updates!  Now that we're done with the latest wave of bosses, the next phase of development will be all about polishing the game and getting it as stable as possible for the final push which will complete campaign mode.  Much of that polish will come in the form of adding content that takes advantage of the systems implemented during the previous phase of development.

Predictably, a decent chunk of this update is devoted to fixing and tweaking issues that cropped up following Reign's implementation in R60.  This update also includes a significant rework of the Despair Distortion.

Forsaken defeated by Despair will still work the same as they always have, and the basic premise of "fulfill a condition in order to instantly defeat Chosen with Accuse in the final battle" remains the same as well.  However, rather than requiring the player to tediously accumulate a much larger stack of Evil Energy than is ever required anywhere else in the game, the new Despair condition is to blitz toward midgame-levels of Evil Energy generation as quickly as possible.  The base requirement is to hit 30 Evil Energy generated from a single day's downtime actions with at least 30 days remaining before the final battle (thus, the deadline for triggering Despair is Day 20 in a regular single mode game).  The Evil Energy requirement goes up with the number of Morality and Innocence Breaks suffered by the Chosen team, and the deadline gradually relaxes in campaign mode with more levels of the associated achievement.

The other especially notable addition in this update is the unique Chosen dialogue for facing humanoid Demon Lord bodies.  On top of improving the experience for players who like to deal with the Chosen personally, this is also the last requirement before tackling a big chunk of commissioned content planned for next month's update.  That commissioned content should hopefully come alongside some long-needed fixes to the in-game commented replay system.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added Chosen responses when fighting humanoid Demon Lord bodies.
  • Content: Added new option to retroactively convert a single play run into a campaign mode run.
  • Balance: Reworked Despair Distortion.
  • Balance: Reworked Reign's "Fisher King (Superheated Resentment)" trait.
  • Balance: Bonus ANGST granted by the Propaganda item increased (1G -> 100G)
  • Balance: Devil Chosen's Candle of Snuffed Out Life effect now expires immediately after the final battle.
  • Balance: Added a new replacement trait for Negotiation Love when Megalomaniac Victory has been replaced as Second-in-Command.
  • Balance: Reign's later appearances will now decrease the amount of difficulty modifiers encountered in the same loop.
  • Bugfix: Boss Chosen defeated with Despair will now correctly progress Splendor's corruption.
  • Bugfix: Rampant Forsaken deployed using the Hot Tag item will now show their proper reputation strength depending on the Demon Commander used.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a possible crash related to the Hot Tag item.
  • Bugfix: Victory's profile will now correctly reflect how her Resolve can be damaged in the final battle.
  • Bugfix: Reign will no longer be able to fall to Despair while already under the effects of another Distortion.
  • Bugfix: The Maneuver bonus to capture duration will no longer fail to be reset after releasing one of the Chosen mid-capture.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a softlock that could occur when trying to display a Forsaken vignette when Chosen vignettes were disabled (e.g. because the current loop is a boss fight).
  • Bugfix: The extra requirement before triggering Despair when facing Reign will no longer be printed when not applicable.
  • Bugfix: Reign's thresholds for using T3 moves will no longer be improperly reset when appearing in later loops.
  • Bugfix: Angel Chosen will now correctly display any custom subspecies set by the player.
  • Bugfix: Corrected the displayed circumstance damage requirement before Reign begins using her T3 moves.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some buggy behavior when Chosen suffer a Core Vulnerability Distortion before all three Chosen have made their first appearance.
  • Interface: It is now possible to delete your save file's archive of scene variants.
  • Other: Campaign mode random seeds now result in more consistent item choices.
  • Other: Chosen meeting each other in private will now be less unfriendly.
  • Other: Chosen will now update their mental image of the Demon Lord (relevant for vignettes and some spoken lines) when facing a humanoid Demon Lord body in battle.
Release 61b
  • Bugfix: Group downtime actions will no longer sometimes trigger Despair without meeting the Evil Energy requirement.
  • Other: Updated the description for the Propaganda item to take into account the recent balance adjustment.