
Friday, November 29, 2024

Release 60: Reign

With this release, the game finally includes the recurring boss enemy which appears throughout campaign mode: Sovereign Decider Reign.  Unlike the other bosses up to this point, Reign appears to be nothing more than a regular human.  But her persistence and drive for survival are strong enough to make her a formidable foe.  And although it's unlikely that you'll be able to defeat her the first couple of times she appears, you can still exploit her mysterious connection to the Chosen as a whole in order to reach even greater levels of power.

Reign will show up to face you in every 7th loop.  It's possible to defeat her outright by either burning through her large reserve of Resolve or using an instant-defeat Distortion, but it can actually be better to corrupt her more slowly, because every Vulnerability Break against Reign gives you a buff to your damage for the entire playthrough, even in future cities.  Furthermore, while Reign is under a Distortion, a powerful and unique effect related to that Distortion will take effect, which also continues even in future cities.

Because Reign's mechanics are tied to facing her multiple times across multiple cities, she doesn't have a single play scenario like the other bosses.  This might be a good time for players who haven't tried campaign mode recently to give it a shot!

This release marks 60 consecutive monthly releases.  The next month will be the first where I don't plan on releasing a new version of Corrupted Saviors, because I'll be polishing and preparing a side project for its public release.  This side project will not be receiving monthly updates, so after that, Corrupted Saviors will return to its regular monthly schedule in January.

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added the recurring Reign boss fight to campaign mode on every 7th loop
  • Content: Added Reign's portraits to the default portrait pack, updated Basis's portrait with a full expression set
  • Bugfix: Corrected a logic error which could result in Spared Forsaken ending up in the wrong contingent
  • Bugfix: Boss Chosen who escape the final battle will no longer reappear in later loops in a buggy state
  • Bugfix: Loops with only Angel and regular human Chosen will no longer display as containing only regular humans
  • Other: The Loop 7 warp route now has a different condition, described in the campaign map.txt file
Release 60b
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that would happen when customizing the appearance of a single play custom Chosen.
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer fail to print the updated body description when giving a Demon Lord body an ovipostor.
  • Bugfix: Resolved some buggy behavior surrounding Demon Lord orgasms during custom sex scenes.
  • Other: Corrected some misleading text for Reign's Negotiation Distortion trait.
Release 60c
  • Bugfix: Resolved some buggy behavior when Reign is defeated.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen when Reign or Love would escape the final battle.
  • Bugfix: Corrected an error in the save compatibility function which would strip boss Forsaken of their boss abilities.
Release 60d
  • Bugfix: Resolved a custom sex scene crash.
  • Bugfix: Animalistic Chosen using Surrender to Instincts will no longer cause a crash when targeted.
Release 60e
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash when the game was unable to determine who's responsible for a pregnancy at the end of the loop.
  • Bugfix: The game will no longer sometimes stop printing text in the middle of battle.
Release 60f
  • Bugfix: Resolved some possible crashes while attempting to generate a new city in campaign mode.
  • Bugfix: Attempting to recruit a Second-in-Command during the final battle while having a Demon Commander due to the Hot Tag will no longer crash the game.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a couple of custom sex scene crashes.


  1. thank you for 60 consecutive months. awesome

    1. You're very welcome! I imagine that Corrupted Saviors will be completed before I get a chance to do another streak of 60, but I do hope to continue to release some sort of new content on a regular basis.

  2. bug report on 60.e
    My forsaken still dont receive motivation (reported this bug since B If i remember this correctly) save in f95 tread , Fenyx there too

    1. As far as I can tell, this isn't a bug. In the save you posted, you don't have any sources of passive daily motivation restoration. And when I actively restore the Forsaken's motivation with training, it seems to be restored properly.

  3. is there a discord community for this game??

    1. there is no discord but there is a thread in a forum called f95zone

    2. It's true that there's no official Discord, but there is one set up by fans here:

  4. there seems to be a bug where after detonation, the battle ends if all 3 are flying, even if there is vengeful reconstitution. this is impactful when i'm trying to use multiple flight captures to farm detonations.

    1. You're probably right that every capture should reset the vengeful reconstitution condition, even if the capture ends immediately. I'll add this to my to-do list.
