
Sunday, October 30, 2022

Release 35: Animalism

This update marks a major milestone of development: the introduction of the third species, Animalistic Chosen.  These Chosen are people who, due to having personalities which closely resemble those popularly attributed to a type of animal, have had their bodies changed by the psychic energy they receive.  They often have animal ears and animal tails, and their physical and mental abilities are far greater than those of normal humans.  When combined with their Chosen powers, this makes them into mighty foes - but their abilities can also be valuable once they've been brought into the service of the Demon Lord.  The full details of their abilities can be found in the new species reference file included with the download.

Animalistic Chosen will normally start to appear in Loop 5 of campaign mode.  This update also allows you to change the species of custom Chosen made for single play mode, but because Animalistic Chosen are balanced for players who have powerful Forsaken and achievement bonuses on their side, I wouldn't recommend using this option unless you're also playing with cheats.  Speaking of which, this update also allows for the generation of Superior and Animalistic Forsaken in single play mode, so it should be easier to just give yourself an overpowered tool if you want.

Other new content related to Animalistic Chosen includes the tracking of animal body parts in custom sex scenes.  Animalistic Chosen will naturally come with appropriate ears, tails, horns, wings, and (depending on your toggles) penises.  These parts have all been added to the body customization system for Forsaken and the Demon Lord as well.  The new Stroke Ears and Stroke Tail actions in custom sex scenes take advantage of these parts.  Partners in custom sex scenes can choose to use these actions when appropriate as well, for those Demon Lords who like to be pampered.

Finally, thanks to some help from an anonymous subscriber, I'm now producing a steady stream of portraits using the recent advancements in AI art generation.  Most of the Animalistic Chosen portraits included in the default pack make use of this, and I intend to go back and replace all of the portraits in the default pack using the same method (and polish up some of the new ones as well, since I'm still learning how to make them look good).  If you're using a custom pack and want to keep all of that art, but you also want to use the new Animalistic-specific portraits, then you can accomplish this by pasting the portrait folder you've been using into the default portrait folder included with the download.  This will overwrite all the standard default portraits while leaving the new Animalistic folders intact.

This update also includes some new content unrelated to Animalistic Chosen.  Along with the usual bugfixes, there's a new vignette commissioned by Kalloi which is unique in that it involves two Chosen on different Distortion paths.  There are no personality requirements, but getting a Temptation and an Aversion Chosen within the same playthrough is a pretty tough challenge in itself.  As a small quality of life improvement, Chosen profiles now record the previous day's Evil Energy generation and the conditions necessary to increase it.  The guide goal system has also been fleshed out a little more with some tips that explain why each goal is important.

The next species to be added will be Undead Chosen (and in retrospect, I sort of wish I had rearranged the update schedule to make is so that they had been the Halloween update instead of Animalistic Chosen).  They'll be coming very soon, but first I'd like to devote another update to general user experience improvements, since I wasn't able to cross everything off my list last time.  I'd also like to take the chance to gather feedback on Animalistic Chosen before adding another species, so please let me know how your runs against them go!

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: Added the Animalistic species to the game.
  • Content: Added animal body parts (ears, tails, wings, horns, penises) to body customization.  Animal penises for randomly generated characters are toggled off by default.
  • Content: Added Stroke Ears and Stroke Tail actions to custom sex scenes.  When the Demon Lord's body has animal features, the sex scene partner will also use these actions when appropriate.
  • Content: Added one new vignette.
  • Content: Added 12 new faces specific to Animalistic characters to the default portrait pack.
  • Balance: An Orgy which is cancelled early (due to Rampage or final battle Aversion) will also cancel any Defiler actions that would break unbroken Vulnerabilities.
  • Balance: Chosen can no longer escape Capture on turns where a Forsaken Punisher would be used.
  • Bugfix: Warnings for possible threats to Distortion Plans now cover a couple more edge cases, and some false alarms have been removed.
  • Bugfix: Superior Chosen will now properly use Detonate earlier than regular Chosen.
  • Bugfix: The Slaughter action will no longer extend allies' Surround duration when used immediately before allies would escape.
  • Bugfix: Passive training for certain combat styles will no longer fail to grant expertise for Forsaken currently using certain other combat styles.
  • Bugfix: Achieving the Rampancy Distortion on a Core Innocence Chosen and a Core Confidence Chosen for the first time on the same day will no longer display an incorrect duplicate post-battle scene.
  • Bugfix: Chosen who undergo a body shift due to Inseminate or Fantasize will now properly update their custom sex scene bodies.
  • Bugfix: Chosen who are Surrounded and immediately Rampage will now properly increase their defense level.
  • Bugfix: Resolved a crash that could happen in future play sessions when setting a Forsaken as your trainer or favorite.
  • Bugfix: Loved ones will no longer sometimes be counted twice when determining training consent modifiers.
  • Other: It is now possible to change the species of custom Chosen created for single play mode.
  • Other: When using cheats, it is now possible to generate random Forsaken of any species.
  • Other: Added a summary of yesterday's EE generation and the required conditions to increase EE generation to Chosen profiles.
  • Other: The guide goals system now provides more gameplay tips when completing goals.
  • Other: Added a species reference text file to the game download.
Release 35b:
  • Bugfix: Resolved a cosmetic issue that was causing random Animalistic Forsaken generated in cheat mode to lack portraits and default to the rodent subspecies.


  1. Woot. More CS action. Love that these keep coming out monthly like clock work. And now we officially have catgirls. Truely the next phase in development has been reached.

    Will we ever get more ways to break chosen other then the usual final breaks? ie, something other then parasitism for the final exposure break or impregnation for the final hate break ect?

    1. The different Distortion options are sort of meant to fulfill the role of alternative final breaks. As for having something which works the same as one of the final breaks but has different flavor text, I suppose it's a possibility, but it's not something I'm planning right now.

    2. Eh makes sense. But food for thought. Loving how CS is coming along for sure~

      So question. Do Animalistic chosen have their own variants for being captured by commanders/forsaken? Or do they pull from the usual turn descriptors while captured?

    3. They're the same for now, but I'd like to go back and add some variants in several places involving their ears and wings and tails and such.

  2. Will we ever get the "normal power level" version of the animalistic chosen? having to wait until loop 5 before getting access to furry characters seems like a huge time commitment, and I'm guess it'll only get worse for other chosen types like the undead chosen that were mentioned in this update. Sometimes you just want to have a team of magical girl furries without having to cheat, you know?

    1. Maybe. The other option I'm considering is to make it so that there's a special game mode where you get a bunch of bonuses in exchange for immediately going up against the advanced species. Either way, yes, I want to add an option to immediately face the monstergirls on even footing outside of cheat mode.

  3. Haven't done a run in a few updates now so i'm looking forward to trying the new content and customization.

    Also I remember in a post from a while ago the possibility of upgrading regular forsaken into superior being talked about, if that's still a feature that might come in the future would upgrading superior into animalistic or any further variants also be on the table?

    1. It's not currently planned, even though I suppose the game's setting would make it sort of reasonable. I could see people finding it annoying if the girl they were planning on corrupting in a later loop suddenly got turned into a birdgirl or a zombie offscreen.

  4. is there a plan to eventually add foresaken and civilian portraits now that you can use novel AI, also do you plan to diversify the portraits more as well?

    1. I'd like to, but I don't want to make any promises since it's already going to be a lot of work just to keep up with all the upcoming species that are planned. The first priority is making unique faces for each species, the second priority is adding a unique face for every name, and only after that is done would I want to spend time making Forsaken and civilian variants for every face.

    2. fair enough, my knowledge isnt to good on the ai system, but i thought it would be eaiser to do all the variants of one character first, then move onto the next, instead of jumping from 1part of a character to another

    3. It would definitely be simpler, but it'd mean that in the releases before everything is done, some faces would have all their variants complete while other faces wouldn't even have different versions for the different species. It's one of the drawbacks of making monthly releases for a game under development - you can't work as efficiently because the game needs to be playable at every step. But on the flipside, getting feedback as the game develops is pretty useful.

  5. reporting a bug, using a forsaken defiler tempt action during the final battle on a temptation distortion chosen will eventually set their hatred and injury to 0, but not drain their resolve, effectively making this action useless against them as it'll be impossible to continue to raise pleasure at this point (no more multipliers)

    1. I'm sorry for not catching this bug sooner. I think I've found what's causing it, and I'll make sure it's fixed.

    2. Thanks for the swift reply! Appreciate all the work you put into this, this update has made me go for multiple loops for the first time and I'm having a blast

    3. Very glad to hear it! Easing the jump into multi-loop playthroughs is one of my major goals for the game right now.

  6. Would it be possible to make forsaken capable of capturing flying opponents but add a cooldown to it so you can't chain capture cheese? Currently demon commanders are more useful than them because of this feature.

    1. I want to keep this ability from becoming too common, but I am adding ways for it to be done. Currently, Animalistic Forsaken who were corrupted on the Rampancy Distortion path can prevent opponents from taking off into the sky by stunning themselves. More methods are coming, hopefully pretty soon.

  7. I decided to make an anime-style portrait pack with NovelAI, if anyone wants it. A little under half the girls are done, (23 of 49) and have civilian portraits too. So far, only six have Superior portraits, and five have Animalistic, because I'm bad at the game, and never get to loop 3. I included the prompts and seeds I used as well, if anyone wants to play around with them.

    The portraits also include two additional faces for each girl; Smug, and Used, that are meant to replace Joy and Lewd depending on her personality, or if you like to see your chosen... painted.

    1. These really are great! And since you made them yourself, there shouldn't be any issue with me promoting them. Is it alright with you if I link this pack in the sidebar?

    2. Of course, that'd be great. Let's call it "Patience" because that's funny to me.

      Guess I'll need to figure out how to update Mega files without changing the link.

    3. Creating a folder on Mega will let you change the contents of that folder while keeping the link the same. So, if you'd prefer, I could link a folder like that in the sidebar instead.

    4. Sounds good. I'll get that set up after work.

    5. Here you go. Aaand it already has four more girls, because it's only *called* Patience.

    6. Wow!! I really love these designs! I'm definitely going to start a playthrough with this pack in the future, great job on this! :D

    7. Looking good! I've added the folder link to the sidebar. I'll make sure to keep you in the loop as well regarding which names will belong to which Undead subspecies, since you seem pretty eager to get a head start on those too.

  8. Been ages since I last played, so I figured I'd give the Negotiation Distortion path a try, only one of my Chosen just hit 100M fear and I'm seeing the notice that "The next time she sees the other Chosen surrounded by Thralls, she's likely to do something drastic. This will interfere with Triumph's Distortion Plan!"
    How do I stop my fearful Chosen screwing with my Distortion plans?

    1. Once you fully "lock" Triumph onto the Negotiation Distortion path, the other Chosen won't be able to knock her off it anymore. You'll know that you've reached that point because the "Morality/Dignity Distortion" message will show up for Triumph. Until then, you'll have to make sure that the other Chosen isn't free to pick an action while one of her teammates is surrounded by the Thralls, because she'll pick the action that triggers the Morality Break. If you've gotten the upgrade that allows you to retreat from battle, then that might be helpful for making sure that she doesn't get the chance to use it.

    2. I tried keeping the other Chosen (Stalwart) busy whenever her teammates were surrounded, but it seems that the actual interference came from the post-battle vignette that followed. Restarted and focused on locking Triumph into negotiations proto and pulled it off. I was delighted to see that there's actually a scene where your thralls show up to save a negotiating chosen from having her virginity taken. *Chef's kiss*

  9. Small typo:
    "Then, as it stiffens again, she escalates the stimulation slowly, using her saliva as lubricant to stroke it while she firmly massages the root under the balls with her tongue. If she can't get the quickest orgasm out of -her-, she's determined to get the strongest one."
    Should be "him" instead of "her"

    1. Thanks for catching this one, it'll be fixed in the next version.

  10. Typo and well... ass is not vaginal.
    "Ayame is nervous about lowering herself onto the Demon Lord's ovipostor, but she gasps with pleasure as it goes up her ass and immediately hits a sensitive spot. She moans and begins moving herself up and down with genuine enthusiasm. She embraces the pain of her first vaginal penetration, ecstatic to have received it from the Demon Lord.

    The Demon Lord's ovipostor pushes all the way into Ayame's bowels."

    1. Looks like the game was getting confused about which virginity to check. It'll be fixed in the next version.

  11. I suppose I'll bring this bug up now, kinda two faceted. In the negotiation path, you can meet with chosen in the custom scenes, and sometimes they'll take the lead and choose to lose their virginity, when it seems like that's not supposed to happen according to their dialogue. Its definitely not supposed to happen in the code because it then freezes the game.

    1. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I believe I've found the loophole which was letting them do that, so that'll be patched up for the next version.
