
Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Release 36: Elucidation

This was intended to be another quality-of-life-focused update, but it ended up including one very important gameplay addition: items!  At the start of each campaign run, the player will be randomly granted one of eight items.  These items each have abilities which can strongly influence the player's strategy for the first several days of the loop.  My hope is that this will make early campaign mode less boring and monotonous, but the long-term plan is for the player to be able to accumulate more and more items throughout a campaign mode playthrough.  The main menu has been slightly restructured to accommodate for this, and both the scene viewer and the item browser can be found within the new Archive option.

On the quality-of-life front, the portrait sidebar has been expanded to include another window which shows the subject's full name, damage stats, and current situation.  Once the Psychic Reading upgrade has been bought, the out-of-combat version of the window will show the subject's overall corruption status at a glance.  A third option has also been added to the violence toggle, so that the options are now Mild (tickling), Moderate (severe injuries replaced with bondage and other more "kinky" abuses), and Extreme (the old default option).

Consistency between campaign loops is a bit better now, as Chosen returning from previous loops will now properly take into account their prior corruption when progressing relationships with their new partners.  Chosen with pre-existing Core Breaks (both in campaign mode and as custom Chosen in single play mode) will have new intro scenes which bring up what happened to them and cause their relationships to immediately progress accordingly.  Meanwhile, Chosen with Core Distortions from previous loops will experience a sort of "repeat" of their Core Distortion scene as soon as all three Chosen are present.

There's not much actual new sexual content in this update, but there is one added vignette commissioned by Kalloi.  This one takes place between two heavily-corrupted Chosen: one Impregnated and on the Aversion path, with the other Hypnotized and on the Negotiation path.  They also need to have a friendly relationship, so it's a bit tricky to trigger, but I think it does a pretty good job of showcasing how twisted they've become by that point.

Finally, fans of custom portrait packs should be happy to hear that there have been some major additions in the last month.  Kalloi's pack has received significant updates, both to the portraits themselves and to the side content.  A new AI-generated pack, "Patience," has also been added, and this one is notable for including some sex scenes involving the girls depicted therein.  Finally, I've started replacing some of the images in the default pack with higher-quality versions.  For fans who are interested in making their own packs, I've also included a text file in the main portrait folder which goes into detail regarding which folders correspond to which personalities and which subspecies.

For the next update, I plan to significantly expand the item system, adding a wide variety of items which can be collected throughout a campaign mode run.  I also want to add a bunch of new options to custom sex scenes, so there should be plenty of new content of both the gameplay and sexual varieties!

Click here to download.  Mirror.

  • Content: The default violence option now contains less extreme content.  The old content remains accessible in the new high violence setting.
  • Content: When starting a new game in campaign mode, the player will be granted one of eight items, each with its own gameplay-affecting ability.  Previously-seen items can be viewed using the Archive on the main menu.
  • Content: Added new introduction scenes for Chosen who start a loop with Core Vulnerability Breaks.
  • Content: Replaced the old default portraits for Crown, Basis, and generic horsegirls.  The old portraits can still be found in the Legacy pack linked in the blog sidebar.
  • Content: Added one new vignette.
  • Interface: A new sidebar has been added which displays Chosen combat stats during combat.  Once Psychic Reading has been purchased, the sidebar will display overall corruption status while out of combat.
  • Interface: The F11 key can now be used to toggle borderless fullscreen for the game.
  • Other: Returning Chosen in campaign mode who suffered a Core Distortion during a prior loop will now go through the Core Distortion post-battle scene with their new team as well.
  • Other: Added information about the bonuses of Distorted Forsaken to the Forsaken reference file.
  • Bugfix: Chosen who start a loop with Core Vulnerability Breaks will now immediately gain the proper relationship points with the corresponding Minor Vulnerability Chosen.
  • Bugfix: Using the Forsaken Tempt action during the final battle will no longer improperly reset the target's HATE and INJU before the PLEA defeat threshold has been reached.
  • Bugfix: Cheating to change a Forsaken's species will no longer get stuck on Superior.
  • Bugfix: Changing an existing campaign custom Chosen's species will no longer cause all changes starting at that point to fail to be saved.
  • Bugfix: Returning Chosen from previous loops in campaign mode will no longer be counted twice for achievement purposes.
Release 36b:
  • Bugfix: Resolved one instance of the old extreme-violence text displaying under the moderate-violence setting.
  • Bugfix: Viewing Chosen profiles before the first battle will no longer crash the game.
  • Bugfix: Backing out from the single play custom team creation menu will no longer crash the game.
Release 36c:
  • Bugfix: Resolved an issue with achievement calculation which could cause a crash at the end of a campaign loop.


  1. Got a bug for ya CSdev,
    Going into Customisation, then trying to quit in the Main Menu is an infinite loop, and you're stuck in the customisation menu

  2. Another bug.
    Don't know if its the patience image pack that I installed, But starting a new campagin, unlocking all upgrades from the cheat menu, then selecting the chosens profile, causes the game to freeze up.

    1. Thanks for bringing these to my attention. The latter bug wasn't caused by the portrait pack. Both should be fixed in the release I just uploaded.

  3. I'm the anon that posted a while ago about approaching the game as a maths problem because I don't vibe with the level of abuse.
    Gotta say, the moderate setting is pretty good, still don't vibe with half the vignettes but still, the work being put into the game must be applauded.

    1. Glad to hear that it's better for you. On one hand, I think that any porn game is necessarily going to alienate people who don't share the core fetishes. But on the other hand, I do enjoy the game design aspects a lot and I want to share them with as many people as possible.

    2. Absolutely, it's impossible to make everyone happy at the same time. I like magical girls, I like the mechanics and game loop, just tune out the rest and play. If we were ten years ago I'd be all over the content but I'm not that kind of degen any more.

    3. I'm in a similar boat.

      I like the violence and evilness. Most evil main characters in modern fiction have some saving grace -- maybe they are acting on revenge or their actions accidentally benefit the world or there's comedy to their evil. But not CS -- it is refreshing to play an entity that is simply irrevocably evil and horrible with no nuance and no excuses.

      But I dislike the sex part. I like the texts with implied sexuality, not the ones with long explicit descriptions of sex. So I skim past the latter.

      But in the end, the combination of the very interesting damage mechanics and the evil monster role for the main character are so great that I keep coming back to it!

  4. Hey, I am having trouble progressing past loop 4, am I missing some tactic or is this just supposed to be a really hard game?

    1. Loop 4 is pretty good. Some players have gotten further, but it's harder than it should be right now. Next release will be introducing more items which you'll pick up as you progress between loops, and that'll make it more reasonable to go for the deeper loops.

  5. The Kalloi portrait pack download link is a bit confusing. Most files there have nothing to do with the portraits, and within "Portraits-Full 1.1" there are 2 zips: "custom portarits.7z"(sic) (4 GB) and "portraits.7z" (1 GB).

    For posterity: the file one actually wants is "Portraits-Full 1.1"/portraits.7z

    1. Ty for the feedback! In hindsight I realize having such similar names is a recipe for confusion, I already renamed the "custom portraits" file to "Database" going forward. I'll also add a Readme to the next release detailing the extra stuff in pack not exactly related to portraits so people can understand what everything is :D

  6. Hello, I'm using a Forsaken to tempt a Superior Chosen and, although surpassing the Tempt threshold and changing the action description to the appropriate text and effect (removing all but PLEA and EXPO, etc.) it doesn't actually lower the Tempt requirement sometimes.

    I'm using the vague "sometimes" because I can't actually tell if there's any difference between the times that it does lower it as I assume it should and when it doesn't.

    Recapturing the Chosen with a surround action and using Tempt through it doesn't lower it in cases where the Forsaken Tempt did not work, but I think that's intended to avoid scenarios where double Tempting would lower the requirement twice.

    I've also had a case where the Tempt requirement did lower but the Chosen's ANGST did not reset.

    I assume there's something I'm missing from the mechanics and not bugs, but I'd like confirmation.

    1. These are actually bugs, so thank you for bringing them to my attention. Originally, the Forsaken Tempt action could only be started when the target's PLEA was already above the Tempt threshold. When I reworked it, I missed some of the code which assumed that the target's PLEA was already high enough, and that's what's resulting in the inconsistencies. It'll be fixed in the next version.

    2. Oh, and regarding the Chosen still having ANGST after a Tempt, that's because using Tempt doesn't actually result in a "reset." Rather, the downtime action used when Tempted just resolves a very large amount of ANGST, which will often be higher than the total ANGST accumulated up to that point. The downtime actions associated with Total Breaks actually resolve even more than that.

      You aren't the first person to come to that conclusion, though, so maybe I should find a way to make it more clear in-game when the resolved amount was just greater than the current amount.

    3. I've also noticed that almost every single Chosen turned Forsaken automatically loves all Forsaken outside of their team.

      Is there a plan to rework the Forsaken commander system to allow for more Forsaken in a single fight, which would develop their relationships?

    4. There are plans to make Forsaken-Forsaken relationships deeper, but they don't involve deploying multiple Forsaken in the same fight. In general, experienced Forsaken will be ambivalent at first about new Forsaken, and new Forsaken will start off with a much stronger dislike of experienced Forsaken, especially those who were used to fight them during their time as Chosen. In general, the more time they spend together, the more they'll warm up to each other, but I want to do some stuff with the training system to make it more possible to get some interesting interactions.

    5. I think I've figured out why Tempt sometimes doesn't lower the requirement:

      If the Forsaken used the Tempt action during a capture and didn't get PLEA high enough to trigger the distortion, but then recaptures and gets it off a second Tempt, the requirement will not lower. Interestingly, if it's the "first" trigger of the distortion it will give you +100 EE every time, meaning you can farm the Chosen daily for a considerable income boost, especially with how early you can get the distortion through Forsaken.

      When I got the distortion trigger in one instance of Tempt, the requirement lowered and worked as intended (still gave me the +100 EE, but that's probably because the distortion doesn't properly register after the fight is over).

      The bug may be because the Forsaken Tempt action activates the block on repeated distortion triggers after a capture using Tempt completes, even if it did not lower the requirement. I'm not sure how I can test it easily with a third Tempt capture, as I'm on loop 6 with it and getting strong enough fast enough to check it is a bit above my skill level, but it would probably give another +100 EE, if what I said above is correct.

    6. Re-reading the above made me realize how confusing it sounds, and since I can't edit it after posting I'll try to make it more readable:

      Using a Forsaken's Tempt, even if it does not trigger the Distortion, most likely locks it from being triggered on any subsequent captures, Forsaken or not.

      However, subsequent Tempt actions that do reach the threshold to trigger the distortion will give the player +100 EE if it's the first trigger but will not lower the requirement, making it possible to farm the Chosen for +100 EE for as long as the first distortion trigger is not properly activated. Once it is activated not lowering the requirement is strictly a negative for the player.

      The unintended extra EE is probably a non-issue, since it'll become impossible to pull off once the requirement is lowered properly.

    7. Yes, that's exactly what was happening. Some parts of the code would trigger when the Forsaken action was used, regardless of whether PLEA was high enough to trigger the Distortion, and some wouldn't. The next update should have everything triggering at the proper time.

  7. Animalistic Chosen's Wild Hunt effects seem to stack on top of each other (i.e. the same Chosen using it to reduce Surround duration by 1, then 3, then 4 would reduce duration by 8).

    1. This is actually intended. Wild Hunt is meant to be unambiguously stronger than Slaughter, but it does have the weakness of not affecting a Surround which is already in progress.
