
Sunday, June 6, 2021

Coming Features

Now that the core gameplay loops have their basic functionality implemented, I think this is a good time to discuss the next stage of the game's development.  The coming update will be built around the next tier of training actions for captive Forsaken, but after that, there are many directions we could go.  The following features will all be implemented at some point.  I'm interested in hearing which ones people consider to be a higher priority for earlier development.  Feedback is very welcome both here on the blog and wherever else I post.

  • More Training Actions: There are 18 more single-target training actions planned, which will eventually allow the player to train the Forsaken all the way up to 100% Hostility/Deviancy/Obedience/Disgrace.  I also plan on implementing some training types which involve using one Forsaken to help train another, but I'm not completely certain how that will work yet.
  • Add/Improve Flavor Text: Some of the dialogue and descriptive text written early in development doesn't fit well with the stuff written after I had a better idea of how each personality type should come across.  There's also a lot more room for personality, clothes, equipment, etc. to be reflected in combat and sex scenes.
  • Alternative Corruption Paths: This would reward players for avoiding the current semi-linear "all vulnerabilities get broken eventually" gameplay strategy.  For example, by defeating one of the Chosen without rape or violence, you might be able to get her on the "betrayal" path where she no longer wants the Demons to be defeated in the first place.
  • Portrait System: There are no plans to commission art for the game, but I would like to allow the player to use a folder of portrait images which are displayed in the game window.  Each portrait pack would have a set of expressions, and the game will switch between the expressions as appropriate for the situation.  Whether this would actually be useful depends on whether players would be interested in sharing portrait packs together.
  • Expanded Customization: Currently, the way the game refers to custom clothing and weapons is extremely basic, since it has no way of knowing what properties any given custom item should have.  Improving this would involve adding more flavor text and allowing the player to pick from menus in order to assign that flavor text to items.  It could also involve fully customizable flavor text packages that could be passed between players.  Similarly, there could be an even greater degree of customization for Forsaken (changing their bodies, giving them customized sexual fetishes they display during battle, etc.).
  • Special Chosen: This includes androids, angels, devils, kemomimi, and probably more Chosen types, each with their own unique and powerful abilities in combat.
  • Prior Relationships: These will involve some unique mechanics and lots of extra dialogue.  The "former partners" relationship will come naturally with the campaign when you come up against one of the Chosen who managed to escape from a previous final battle.  There should also be mentors, students, lovers, family members, and probably a lot more.
  • Expanded Forsaken Abilities: The Forsaken should eventually be able to use equivalents of defiler actions, and they should also have unique "super moves" to mix up the combat formula.
  • Special Battle Conditions: The combat formula can also be mixed up by having special conditions which apply to different battles.  For example, a battle might provide some bonus EE if you meet a certain requirement by the end, or it might take place in a special location which applies a modifier to certain damage types.
  • Daily Vignettes: Similar to the talk show, the vacation, and the preparation before the final battle, these will be scenes from the daily lives of the Chosen (and the Forsaken) which highlight how they're being corrupted.  Not all of them will be sexual, but the proper sex scenes should be more in-depth and detailed than any of the sex scenes currently in the game.
  • Campaign Mode: This would probably need a whole separate post to talk about, and some of the above features would need to be implemented before it would make sense to start on this one.  I'm including it here because it will also involve some sub-features that people might find interesting ("boss" Chosen, long-term goals, achievement bonuses).


  1. All the plans sound interesting ngl. Personal preference wise..., the Alternate corruption paths, expanded forsaken abilities and expanded customisation sound very interesting, as does special chosen assuming they get their own unique abilities that are either different then other forsaken once captured... or maybe they aren't capturable...

    1. That said, the expanded flavor text might be good too to keep in line with the newer scenes (Mainly for expanded sex scenes lol)

    2. The special Chosen will also definitely have unique features as Forsaken. The main reason to add them is to increase the gameplay variety between different characters, and I think that's needed for the Forsaken just as much as it is for the Chosen.

    3. Heres to hoping we get some Mistress and Sub relationships between Forsaken and Chosen woot

    4. This is definitely planned. I think that having the Forsaken and Chosen acknowledge complicated relationships with each other is one of the biggest necessary features to make them feel alive.

  2. My personal top 3 priorities (in order) would be: 1. Add/Improve flavor text. I'm not sure if that includes expanding the number of variations in the scenes with surrounded and captured chosen, but I think having a tad more variety during scenes would be a wonderful addition to the gameplay loop.
    2. Alternative Corruption Paths. Honestly it just gives more variety to each run and the way you can shape your Chosen into the ideal Forsaken and that sounds super fun.
    3. Special Combat Conditions. This just screams traps to me. The ability to lay traps could open up some cool scenarios. Or perhaps have some sort of important VIP you need to capture/kill by having all of the chosen indisposed of for a certain amount of rounds for an EE boost. Maybe each Chosen is patrolling in different areas, so the population could be either more dense or thinner making the act of evacuating bystanders quicker or longer depending on who you target? There's a lot that could be done here and its a fun thing to brainstorm.

    I would've said Campaign Mode but I feel that's something that'll just kind of happen naturally after enough of this list is already taken care of. Thanks for reading, and for all the work you've put into my new favorite H Game!

    1. After playing with the Forsaken a bit more, I think I would like to change my number 2 from Alternative Corruption Paths, to Expanded Forsaken Abilities. The usefulness of the Forsaken is... Not optimal at the moment and having them pack a bit more punch along with having the ability to accomplish breaks (and the scenes that come with them) would make them all around more interesting and effective. As interested as I am in Alternative Corruption Paths, fleshing out the Forsaken seems more important, especially since Forsaken could be a huge help in those Alt Paths.

    2. The Add/Improve Flavor Text option will encompass both changing old passages to fit better as well as adding some new variety. Your speculation about Special Combat Conditions is on-point. And you're correct about Campaign Mode being something that will more or less "happen naturally" once some of the other items are implemented, but I still figure that it's important to mention it as an option just so that I can know whether to prioritize the features that will lead to campaign mode.

  3. Add/Improve Flavor Text, Prior Relationships, Daily Vignettes
    Flesh the Chosen out.

  4. Campaign Mode, Special Battle Conditions, Portrait System.

    @Alternative Corruption Paths:
    Right now Orgy is extremely powerful.
    After getting Networked Consciousness (surround and attack on the same turn) and the tech that lets you do 3 surrounds with your Commander, you will probably have your first 5+ turn Orgy in a day or 2.
    That Orgy will upgrade the ANGST of all 3 Chosen from something like 10M to something like 10T (1000000 times!).
    This will massively increase base damage and also achieve all 12 (4 per Chosen) Tier 3 vulnerability thresholds within the same battle.

    So if you want to make it viable to attack only some chosen and not others, and only some traits and not others, you better keep Orgy in mind, the benefits of selective play would need to compete with the Orgy.

    1. You make a good point regarding the opportunity cost of not using Orgy. I'll keep it in mind.

  5. Personally I think the forsaken and then the chosen should be fleshed out to make the gameplay "complete" first.

  6. For me, Flavor Text would be the first thing I'd love to see done! For everything that has been written, it's lovely and awesome! In my view, with the content as it is, there is a pretty awesome plethora of things that can happen and that you can do, so for me, it makes the most sense for the flavor text to 'catch up', so to speak. It goes without saying I'd love to see everything on this list, but flavor text would be the best one to do for now, in my view. It would be time consuming, but at least wouldn't be as complex as the inner workings of the system, I think, and would make a nice difference in really playing out the flavors of each personality.

    The only other one on there I think would be good to prioritize would be the Chosen customization. I think giving them different fetishes to discover, different attributes for their weapon, etc would be super near to see too! Another thing to add more personality to each Chosen to really make them stand out from one another.

    That's my 2 cents. I love this game and have thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it, so no matter which you choose I'm excited for it!

    1. There's certainly room for the flavor text to catch up. A lot of the passages written back before you could fully corrupt the Chosen make less sense once they've been broken down somewhat. My main concern with adding flavor text is that the more that's in the game, the less likely you are to see each added passage. Still, there's been enough interest shown that I'll be trying to find a way to make it work.

  7. While I am personally a huge fan of flavor text I definitely think stuff that expands the current gameplay loop should have the most priority (additional training, forsaken abilities, alt corruption paths and special battle conditions, etc.)

    After at least some of those are tackled next highest priority would definitely be stuff to expand game context like flavor text, events, and relationships.

    I am really excited by the idea of the campaign mode but it feels like one of the last things that should be worked on since it seems like it would benefit more from having as much done beforehand so it can be focused on and already have everything else in place

    Thats my general opinion but honestly all the features listed are things I'm pretty excited to see so regardless of the order I'm very stoked for future updates.

    1. I can see the logic behind ordering things like that, thanks for the input.

  8. For me, flavor text, alternative corruption and portrait system. Campaign would be first but since you are have put in the details, I will not put it in.

    I will suggest the following too.
    1. Tools for content creator to help create content (that is approved by yourself) to be put into the game.
    2. Some kind of "gallery" where people can see what are the different achieve able content they have missed. I am always curious what am I missing in the game itself.

    Keep up the great work you are doing :)

    1. My main concern about putting development time into enabling user content creation is that it's hard to judge how much those features would actually be used. Compared to the games which are known for having a lot of user-created content, Corrupted Saviors has a much smaller playerbase, and the existing community-focused features (making custom teams and trying to beat each other's scores) don't seem to be getting any use. I'd be happy to add more of this sort of thing if the game becomes popular enough to warrant it, and in any case I'll eventually be releasing the source code once I move on to my next project, so people will be able to modify the game however they like.

  9. If all this work is done then this might be my favorite Hentai game. maybe I'll spend a hundred hours experiencing all the possibilities in it.
    1. Add/Improve Flavor Text. This is something that I think you should prioritize first. It will improve the taste when playing a lot. And you won't get bored playing and when you play a new game again. A good food cone always needs good seasoning. The more Flavor Text you add it just makes the gameplay more valuable. It will make scenes and battles not overlapping and more vivid. I see "Corrupted Saviors" now desperately needing more of these.
    2. Daily Vignettes I can say that Daily Vignettes is part of Flavor Text. Awesome, this will be a huge amount of work as you show how their day-to-day events change over time and how their personalities change after each fight. And Prior Relationships yes.
    3. Expanded Forsaken Abilities Is something I see as a big priority for gameplay. Expanded Forsaken Abilities and Special Battle Conditions will create more interesting and possibly challenging situations for battles.
    4. Expanded Customization is really great, but if you decide to add a lot of Customization it will be a huge amount of work, although I do love the thought of adding flavor text and There could be an even greater degree of customization for Forsake. Like it would be a big change. It will have a great result, but it will also take quite a while to add variations to each Customization object.
    5. As for the Portrait System, it would be great if players could create their own Portraits and add them. lol "Whether this would actually be useful depends on whether players would be interested in sharing portrait packs together." We will definitely do it.
    If you could split Flavor Text categories and give players the ability to safely add their Flavor Texts to the game. I think there will be quite a few amateur writers from F95zone that will contribute a bit of flavor in the future.
    Alternative Corruption Paths: Oh my Great.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I agree that replay value is the top priority, so it's just a matter of figuring out how to add it. I'm also glad to hear that you're optimistic about people wanting to make portrait packs once that feature is added.

  10. Alternative Corruption Paths, and Expanded Customization. As someone who goes through the game with tickle turned on and avoiding the rape break, it would be very nice to have more support for such play. Also, if/when doing expanded customization, having an idea of what is already supported- I reroll custom Chosen several times trying to get things like the cloak or leotard sets. Even if we could just input those and have them be recognized as supported would be nice.

    1. Being able to manually pick from the pre-defined outfit sets will definitely be part of the added customization features.

  11. Hmmm... if I had to pick just a couple, I'd say:

    1. Add/Improve Flavor Text - your writing is pretty good, so any addition to it is always welcome. I think it's the most important think.
    2. Alternative Corruption Paths - hell yes. Just... hell yes.
    3. Expanded Forsaken Abilities. Just in general the more you can do with what you have - the better.
    4. Campaign Mode is something I would absolutely love, but I would say it's probably more of a long term goal that shouldn't be rushed.
    5. Special Chosen - depends on if it will also affect the Forsaken abilities and sex scenes. So basically, depends on how it will be implemented. Just adding it for the sake of adding it - meh.
    6. Portrait System sounds good. If I understood it correctly, it's just the ability to throw portraits into a folder and then use them in game? If so, I'm in. And it shouldn't be too hard to implement.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. To clarify, you're correct about the portrait system being usable by just throwing image files into folders and renaming them so that the game can recognize them. As for the special Chosen, it definitely won't just be "some scenes are rewritten to mention animal ears" or whatever. My goal is to give them all unique abilities which provide the player incentive to use different strategies, both when encountering them as Chosen and when using them as Forsaken.

  12. Daily Vignettes, Prior Relationships, and Flavor Text are my top three in that order. The gameplay is enjoyable, but what really drags me into the game and its setting is the sheer amount of work you've put into the characters, how they react to everything going on around them, and how they interact with each other. Easily the best part of the game for me.

    1. I'm glad that the effort put into bringing the characters to life is having the desired effect. I'll keep that in mind.

  13. I'd like to request a late-game change. Once you fully break a vulnerability (getting it to 1000% and using the punisher) then the special move associated with that vulnerability should change to benefit you. Fantasize gives increased effectiveness instead of decreasing, Slaughter instead spreads demonic energy that re-energizes thralls, detonate instead drains energy to give you bonuses EE or makes your commander stronger, and strip-tease changes to public masturbation that discourages surrounded chosen.

    Right now there's not really a benefit to breaking multiple vulnerabilities since the various unlocked moves can be a pain in the ass. This would make those fancy moves obstacles to be overcome instead of being a permanent pain in the ass to try to avoid and would encourage more interaction with them.

    1. The lack of benefit to breaking all the vulnerabilities is actually intended as part of the game's design goals. My hope is that it's more interesting for the player to tailor-make a different corruption plan for each of the Chosen, rather than just breaking them all in the same way. Completely breaking all the vulnerabilities on all the Chosen should be viewed as "running up the score," an extra challenge that doesn't necessarily have any benefit beyond being able to say that you did it.

  14. I highly suggest looking into coloring text if you're looking to expand the flavor text. This should streamline gameplay for people who are just interested in the mechanics.

    1. Thanks for the advice. There are plans for a rework to how the text is displayed, but it's one of those things that's going to be very underwhelming on its own, so I'm hoping to squeeze it alongside some more substantial addition in a future update.

  15. Really enjoy the game though I have yet to truly wrap my head around getting the best bang for my 'buck' each day. Though explanations I've read elsewhere have helpe a fair amount.

    On to the upcoming plans.

    1: Expanded Customization (I am a sucker for being able to customize things more. I just really like creating characters and have been using various D&D characters/npcs I've made over the years in your game.)

    2: Alternative Corruption Paths (Would definitely be a great addition.)

    3: Add/Improve Flavor Text (As someone else mentioned here, your writing is good, imo, but more would be awesome.)

    All of the other mentioned additions sound really great too. Just looking forward to seeing how the game continues to progress! I wish I had some other feedback to offer but I am horrible at giving it, lol x_X

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Just hearing how people currently play and enjoy the game is helpful for figuring out which features to prioritize, so this is still plenty useful.

  16. I would really like to see an an option to start a game outside of japan, with more diverse random names, and more western superhero trope clothes and powers. I know this would be a shift away from the whole magical girl premise of the entire game, but I also think it would be relatively easy to add, and could be tied in to some of the customization revamp/additions you are doing.

    1. This is planned. I'm currently leaning toward the campaign mode being a sort of "world tour" where each loop takes place in a different city, each with its own names and maybe some more local flavor. Naturally, once this is implemented, you'll be able to pick which city you attack during the quick play mode as well.

      My main reason for starting with Japan was just that the whole "empowered by purity" concept isn't a staple of the western superhero genre.

  17. I want to fluff the Kemomimi ears

    ...That's probably not actually going to be an option but I still want to

    1. Tease the ears... But aye Kemomini ears would be a nice touch...

    2. There probably won't be a "Fluff Ears" training action, but I could definitely see some of the training and combat scenarios involving aggressive ear fluffing when the opportunity arises.

  18. My top 3 priorities are:
    1) the daily vignettes
    2) flavour text
    3) alternate corruption paths (this one could need new ways to dealt circunstance damage tho)

    special mencion: Campaign Mode, I feel like the game is like a rogue like and achievement bonuses would add to this (IMO). But I think it should be after special chosen and conditions. this one would be my priority number 1, but it needs more things to be completelly implemented (but if you want to start somewhere I would love the achievement bonus).

    In any case, thanks for the game :D

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I had originally figured that achievements and campaign mode would come in the same update, but it's possible that achivements could come first (and make the campaign update easier to make when it finally comes around too). In any case, I agree that there's more important stuff that needs to be done beforehand.

      Also, you're welcome!

  19. I do wonder if we'll get more stuff like the Nightime sleep rape with the forsaken and Chosen... Or maybe S&M sessions between forsaken and chosen... that'd be cool

    1. That will definitely fall within the vignette system, although it will have to wait for proper relationships between Chosen and Forsaken first. Forsaken will attack Chosen in their sleep at some point... and for that matter, some Forsaken might try to tempt the Chosen into assaulting them in turn.

  20. Hows this months release coming along Dev btw?

  21. Personally I would like to see (in order):

    1) Add/Improve Flavour Test. I'm a sucker to seeing how characters react differently to the same situation at different stages of corruption and I think adding more variety to scenes would be really enjoyable to read and would help smoothen the gameplay experience a bit.

    2) Daily Vignettes. I'm a fan of the sinful actions that the Chosen currently do at the end of each battle, and I feel that expanding a lot more on how Chosen act on a day-to-day basis in general would be a great way to make the Chosen feel more alive and would make their corruption more interesting to watch.

    3) Alternative Corruption Paths. God damn this sounds so cool. Defeating all the Chosen as some Demon Lord who's not into rape and violence would be amazing.

    Anyways, this game is great. I love the writing, seeing the dialogue between hostile Chosen is always fantastic (my favourite being the movie filming where one of the Chosen goes off-script to rant about the other Chosen), and the existing glimpses of how the Chosen lead their lives outside of battle are really nice. The gameplay is a nice touch on top of that; It feels good snowballing from strategic targeting and well-timed use of certain actions.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Those bits of writing are also my favorite to make, so I'm glad to see that there's more demand for them.

  22. All are good but I'm curious as to how different the special chosen will be. A magical robot and their subsequent corruption sounds very odd but it's a good odd. Same thing with the Demon. I supposed such a character would view themselves as your rival and you have to beat them down to being a subject of yours.

    1. They'll be very different, both gameplay-wise and writing-wise. Regarding devils in particular, this is a setting where Demons and Devils are distinct (and opposed) beings. Devils are all about punishing and torturing the wicked, while Demons want to encourage and reward wickedness. (Angels, meanwhile, want to encourage and reward goodness.)
